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I couldn't even process what was happening. He was starting to put his face closer to mine and he had such an evil smile on his face.
I wanted to scream for help but I couldn't. I couldn't get it out of me. I was trying so hard. But all I could do was stand there and cry while he was standing there taking advantage of me.

"Aw stop crying sweet heart" He says as he goes to move a strand of hair out from in-front of my face.

Then I saw the lights in the pantry turn on and I heard someone yell.


Tyler turned around so quickly and when he did I could see that it was harry. He had so much anger in his face. He could see that I was just standing there sobbing.

Harry punched Tyler in the face and drug him out the pantry. Tyler was limp on the floor from where Harry knocked him out. Harry grabbed Tyler by the arm and yanked him up so he was standing again.

"What the fuck makes you think it's okay to touch her??? Huh??" Harry asks him. His face was so red with anger.

"Don't worry Haz, I'll save some for you" Tyler replies with a grin.

Harry doesn't even hesitate. He just starts punching Tyler over and over until there's blood on his fist. He looks at me and sees I'm still crying. He drops Tyler to the floor and runs up to me and just pulls me into a hug.

"Are you okay?" He whispers gently.

I don't reply though. I couldn't. I didn't know what to say. I don't even know what just happened.

"Come on lets get you out of this fucking pantry" He says as he keeps his arm around me and leads me out and then out of the kitchen. While we were making our way to his room I  looked in the living room and saw Kasey was standing there and apparently she saw everything and was on the phone with 911.
Harry told me to go to his room and he would be there in a minute so I did.

My roommate Harry Styles Where stories live. Discover now