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I wake up to the sound of the TV blasting music from the living room. I lean up to see harry isn't in bed anymore. I walk out of his room into the living room. Em and Jeramy were sitting on the couch. And I looked over to see Kasey sitting on the kitchen counter talking to Harry whilst he seemed to be making toast. I was kind of annoyed to see him actually talking back to her after she said those crude things to me.

I walked over to the large L shaped couch and sat on the shorter end where no one was sitting.

"Hey how are you" Em asked me.
"I'm fine. Thank you" I reply with a smile.
"Thank you so much Raven. I'm so glad I have a room to myself now!" Jeramy replies laughing.

Harry must have noticed I was up and in the living room because he rushed over to where I was sitting and plopped down beside me.
Kasey followed behind him and sat beside Em since there was no more room on the two seater side of the couch where we were.

"Yea you and harry are lucky to have your own rooms" Emma says laughing.
"Not exactly" Kasey says in a smart ass way. Everyone got quiet and looked at her.
"What? Oh yea, Raven is sleeping in Harry's room now, not ours." She says as if everyone should have known by now.
Harry stands up, and you could tell he was pissed as fuck.
"Two nights Kasey... what the fuck is wrong with her sleeping in my room for two nights?"
Kasey then stands up to compete with him.
"Really rich boy? Is she your new charity case or something. Because she's not really your type." She snaps back.

I was hurt by what she said. But I was to uncomfortable to get up and leave.
"You don't know my type and you don't know me."He says. Then he turns and looks at Em. "You're the one who brought her here and you and Kasey only have two twin beds in your room. Like what were you thinking?" He asks her.
Em quickly replies "I was just trying to be a good friend. She's only 17 so I didn't want her to have no where to go. But now that Tyler's gone she can have his bed!"
"Wow great idea. Give her the bed of the guy who tried to rape her to sleep in..." he said.

He quickly looked at me realizing what he said really hurt me. I got up and started to walk towards his room saying "I'm just going to shower real quick... but by all means guys, keep on arguing."

My roommate Harry Styles Where stories live. Discover now