Confessions (2)

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Janel Parrish as Elisa. Skyler Shaye as China.

Chapter 2

Brandon's POV

Shit. My eyes widen when I made eye contact with Jordon who might I add looked adorable when mad.

"Can you hear me, Brandon?" Jordon demanded.

I nodded, "Um."

"Why are you ignoring me assface?" Jordon demanded.

"I.. um."

"Did you lie to me last night?"

"N-I mean yes. I don't like you I was drunk." I mumbled.

Bullshit. I didn't have a single drink last night.

"Oh you're so full of shit! I was glued to you all night Brandon! You didn't have a single drink!"


"Excuse me sir, you either have to leave or Brandon can take his break early." My boss Elise said, looking pointedly at me. Elise was one of my close friends too. She was pretty with brown eyes and long dark brown hair. She's really fun to hang out with and comes up with the most weirdest and random ideas.

"If you don't talk to me now I'll just show up at your house until you do." Jordon said.

"I'll be back." I said to Elise who smiled at me and put on my hat.

Miko looked at me amused as I headed outside with Jordon who still looked adorably mad. His lower lip was stuck out and his hair was a mess.

"Jordon.. I may or may not have lied to you about liking you but I'm bad for you and you're bad for me so let's just act like it never happened okay?" I said with a sigh.

He bit into his lip hard causing blood to withdraw from the wound and his eyes were rimmed red.

Why was he crying? Oh my lanta, why is he crying? I felt myself feeling bad and I wrapped my arms around Jordon. He smiled up at me although it was forced and it obviously hurt his face because it faltered seconds later.

"Brandon. I fit perfectly in your arms. You like me. I know you do. I can tell when you're lying! I like you back Brandon. I wanna be with you. You're not bad for me you're the only person who can make me smile." He said, caressing my face.

I didn't remove my arms from his waist but I did look in his eyes. I saw the sincerity and the honesty. And was that love? I'm sure I imagined it.

Every guy is like him. Don't trust him.

"Jordon. I'm sorry but—" His lips pressed firmly against mine and I moaned.

His lips were soft and I wanted more. But when I pushed my tongue in his mouth, a throat cleared.

We slowly backed away from each other to see China. My eyes landed on Jordons face and realized we kissed. I backed away and shook my head. Kisses led to attachment and attachment led to heartbreaks.

Shit. Shit. Shit.

"God, I'm so sorry Jordon." I whispered before running back inside.

I heard running on my heels and pushed myself harder, barely making it through the back door. I felt someone grip my shoulder, their nails digging in. I stopped and instantly knew it was China. She always did that shit.

China was beautiful. Long wavy blonde hair & bright blue eyes. She was crushing on me before she found out I was gay. She took it pretty hard.

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