Too Many Questions (5)

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Chapter 5

Brandon POV

I woke up with Jordon in my arms naked, and smiled. It was 5:30, and we needed to get ready for school. It was Friday and we had a test in American History and Chemistry. Luckily, I could use my free period to study for American History but me having Chemistry firs period is a curse.

"Baby, wake up. I wanna get to school early so we can study for Chemistry." I whispered.

"No. Shut up lemme sleep. My ass hurts." He whined.

"I'm sorry baby, I'll let you sleep. I'll go shower then." I smiled at him, and shook my head. 

Attachment always leads to heartbreak. You're bad for him Brandon. You're going to loose him because of your trust issues. You're going to hurt him when you don't open up.

I pushed those thoughts away as the streaming hot water jet sprayed my back.  After washing up with my Axe body wash, I came back in the room. Jordon had just awakened and went to shower as I came in. He stumbled slightly & he looked exhausted.

I got dressed in snug pale blue jeans, and a white T-shirt that had a Tupac quote on it. I slipped on my white vans and styled my hair. Jordon came out and was walking little weird. Probably due to the sex last night.

I smiled and handed him some briefs, the smallest pair of jeans I own, a white Sonic the Hedgehog shirt, and a blue and green plaid button up. I figured he'd be most comfortable dressed the way he usually dresses. I watched as he stomped on his converse that he wore last night and we went downstairs.

"Morning Bre." I said as she cooked breakfast.

"Goodmorning Bran, morning Jordon. Would you guys like a ride to school or is China picking you up?"

"I was going to ask you time take us anyways. I wanted to go early to study for my Chemistry test."


"Goodmorning Brandon." Mulan, Damien, & Ness all said at once.


"Goodmorning Brandon's Friend whose name I can't remember." Ness said.

He laughed, "My name is Jordon."

"I got it."

"Goodmorning Jordon." Mulan said, smiling.

She was so happy. As always. After eating, we got dropped of at school. I yawned as we slowly walked to my locker. I unlocked it and pulled open to grab my Chemistry binder and book.

"I'll meet you outside of Chemistry." Jordon said, walking away.

"Gimme a kiss first." I whined.

He smiled and turned around and swiftly walked back up to me. He pressed his lips against mine and wrapped his arms around my neck. The few students there were staring at us and this caused me to chuckle when we pulled apart. He went to his locker or wherever he was going as I finished getting my stuff from my locker.

Jordon's POV

I walked away from Brandon with a smile on my face. Until I was slammed into a locker. Some big buff guy was glaring down at me. Jessica stood right beside him, looking just as mad.

"You faggot ass whore." Jessica spat as the guy I faintly recognized as the extra quarterback held me against the locker.

"You whore." I mimicked.

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