Revenge (14)

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This revenge plan is going to be so cliche in my opinion but I used Google and you guys are useless as for as helping me went so.. here ya go.

Chapter 14

Part One

Brandon's POV

Revenge is a dish best serve cold. I'm sure we've all heard the saying correct? Revenge is something harsh but not quite.

Part one of operation get-revenge-on-the-whore-from-UK-who-touched-my-boyfriend is proving that she isn't pregnant.

I can either prove her sonograms are fake or force her to take a pregnancy test. But I don't think Bre would be happy if I ended up in jail. I walk over to the window and looked out.

We were going to break in her locker to steal the sonogram pictures. We're lucky because the Janitor, Mr. Larry was going to let us in.

We weren't the only ones who hated Jessica. Jordon and I ran outside to Elisa's brothers car. He drove an all black SUV and we drove silently to the school. We stopped about a block away from the old school and jogged through the alley before hopping the fence.

We silently made our way to the door that led to the kitchen parking lot. Larry had the door opened and we ran into them and silently crept through the halls towards the sophomore and junior hallway.

Jordon almost tripped. Over nothing might I add. I grabbed his arm and pulled him into my side. He smiled and we stopped at her locker.

Elisa produced a crowbar from the black bag on her back. Ricky, Miko, and I all grabbed her lock and pulled. Jordon helped Elisa place the crowbar while China kept watch.

We hurried and shimmied her locker open. The locker swung open so fast causing us all to fall and the locker to slam against the other lockers.

We winced and quickly got up. I grabbed the sonogram pictures off the door of her locker and slammed it shut. We picked up the crowbar just as China whistled and rounded the corner.

We all took off running me grabbing Jordon's hand. If he got caught, I'd get caught with him. We all ran through the side entrance and took off towards the chain link fence.

The two security guards were just coming out the door as we hobbled over the fence. Elisa screamed as her pants got caught in the links.

"Help me!" She growled as the guards neared her.

I climbed back up the fence as she handed me scissors. I cut the fabric of her pants as the guard grabbed her foot. I grabbed Elisa's arm and fell down putting all my force into it. Elisa fell on top of me and I had temporarily knocked all the wind out of me. Jordon pulled me up and along as the others got to the truck. We got in and the truck drove away.

"Oh my God!" China exclaimed. "Did we really just break into the school?"

Miko laughed, "Yep."

We pulled up at Elisa's brothers house. Unique had given me her sonograms and we noticed the differences. We circled them in sharpie and wrote fake all over it. We then copied it.

"Tomorrow, Elisa and China, you will spread these throughout the halls. Part one is set in motion." I said, grinning.

Jordon laid his head on my shoulder and cuddled close into my side. I smiled at him.

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