Jealousy Flaring (3)

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Lorde plays Jessica but Jessica is actually pretty. #SorryNotSorry Brick is played by Mac Miller. Tequean Richmond as Micah.


Chapter 3

Jordon POV

I stopped when those words flew from my mouth. My eyes widened and I clasped my hand over my mouth.

I ran away too afraid of what he would think. If I didn't have a chance before then I really don't have one now.

I passed Brandon's sister, who looked at me like I had grown a second head but that didn't stop me from running away.

Shit, what the fuck am I going to? I glanced down at my jeans and plain shirt under a green and blue plaid shirt. Would my mother get mad if I show up at her law firm in this?

Probably. But I just want to talk to Brick . I could call him, his lunch break is over at 3:00 and starts at 2:15.

I called Brick and he answered.

"Hey little fucker."

I smiled large at his greeting. He was like a big brother to me. "Hey shit face."

"So what do you want?"

"I need to talk to you. Can you meet me at Vats Grill for lunch?"

"Yeah. Do I need to beat some ass again?"

I laughed, "No."

"Alright. I'll be there by 2:30. Don't be late. You know your mom is anal about that shit."

"K bye."

I walked away to the bus stop and waited for the bus to come. The bus rolled in front of me and I paid before going to sit down.


I looked up and saw Jessica. She was really nice but a give it away type of hoe. She was from the UK and had an accent. Her hair was dark brown and curly, and she was oddly pretty.

I hated this bitch.

"Hey Jessica."

She smiled, "So how's Brandon?"

Did I mention I hate her?


"That's good." She smiled, "I know what y'all did last night and I want you to back the fuck off. He's mine."

I rolled my eyes and got off, walking the 5 minute walk to the grill. I should invest in a car. But after I crashed my last Mercedes my mom won't buy me abother one until my 3 month punishment is over which is coincidentally the same month as my birthday.

The cold breeze caused me to shiver as I walked into the grill.

"Hello welcome to Vats Grill. How many?" The preppy bleach blonde haired male with strange brown eyes asked.


"Very well. Follow me."

I did as told and followed him to the back of the restaurant and sat down in the booth.

"What's the name of awaiting patron?"

"My name's Brick. And I'm here."

The hostess smiled, "Your server will be here shortly."

"So what's up bro?"

"I told Brandon I loved him."

Brick's jaw went slack and he gasped at me. "What the fuck?"

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