A New Type of Humiliation (16)

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Author's Note: yeah . update or whatever.


Chapter 16

China POV

I smiled as Ceeja helped me throw and tape up Jessica's fake sonograms. This bitch deserved everything that came to her.

She ruined my best friends life and she'd pay desperately for it. I hold grudges. Badly. I flipped my blonde hair over my shoulder and went towards my beautiful girlfriend.

"Baby, let's go sit and watch the show with Eli." I said, grabbing her hand.

She smiled lovingly down at me. Ceeja had a weird name but was sexy as God knows what. Her hair was long, curly, and beautiful. Her hair was brown and black naturally. She had hazel eyes, full pink lips, and had piercings. A lot of them.

She had already gained the title of 'Bad ass biker chick' which she was. She wore black ripped jeans, a large oversized muscle shirt that had jagged cut off edges on the sleeves, a leather jacket over it, she also had chains hanging of the belt loop of her pants and chunky black boots.

She looked hot to say the least. I looked over to see Jessica walking in school, looking like a whore. It was October yet she dressed like it was fucking July.

She wore a tight neon pink skirt, a white shirt that cut so low you could see the top of her bra, and she wore knee high black boots. She looked extra whorish today.

I watched as she walked up to the wall, a shocked expression on her face. She frowned when she noticed it was her sonogram. She glared at the people walking past her, calling her pathetic. She whirled around and saw me and the crew.

"YOU!" She screeched, pointing to me.

I smiled, and stood up. I walked towards her with Ceeja holding my hand and Eli right behind me. Jessica was glaring so hard, if looks could kill. I'd be six feet under.

"Hey whore. Is there a problem?" I ask.

"Yes! You put up these pictures! My sonograms ain't fake!" She screeched.

I laughed, "Yes they are. They don't have your name on them or nothing."

She looked embarrassed as a crowd began to fill in around us. She looked close to tears as everyone began to call her "pathetic" and "whore".

"China you.. that's why your ex boyfriend used to sleep with me every Friday!" She yelled, "Because you were no good in bed!"

That was a cheap shot.

"Yeah, he did. Unlike you, he was my first and last, not my hundredth. That's also probably why he called me and told me he had a STD." I said.

"That was.. was only once. I-i..."  She glared at me, her eyes shining with tears. "This isnt over!" She yelled, pushing past the crowd.

School was over and I headed over to Brandon's house with my crew. Part two of revenge; Let her biggest secret out.

Her biggest secret took a lot of convincing from her "best friend" Madon. A blonde girl who was naive and ugly. She had long disgustingly yellow hair and brown beady eyes. She was mildly unliked but more liked then Jessica.

Turns out that last year, Jessica was sleeping with Coach Howard and got pregnant. She then overdosed on pills and alcohol to kill the baby.

"Pills and Potions. We're overdosing.." The irony of this song playing was over the top.

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