First Day (13)

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Author's Note: Since I have no idea what I'm going to do for revenge this will be the last chapter until I figure it out. Check out defiance, Help Me and Love is Love.. Right?

Chapter 13

Brandon's POV

I was nervous to say the least. Jordon had spent the night and say he was still feeling sick from Saturday was an understatement. His hangover was gone but his stomach has been killing him. If he just ate it would feel better but he's been refusing to eat.

So who's problem is that?

I got out the shower with a towel around my waist and walked over to the clothes I had laid out. I pulled on the regular dark wash jeans, a plain black v-neck, and the letterman jacket with the school's logo on it. I pulled on my black and white roshe runs before watching Jordon stumbling around to get dressed.

He refused to give up his plaid shirts and he put it one under a black cardigan with the school logo and light wash jeans. He put on red vans and messily moussed his hair.

We went downstairs and sat down for breakfast. It was delicious and Bre was going to pick up Miko and Ricky then drop us off at school since Hilltop as on her way.

We finished getting ready and then we left on our way to pick up our friends. They were actually excited to go to Hilltop. What a buncha weirdos. I watched Miko and Ricky come out of Miko's house. Miko wore some black jeans, a white and black sweater and the letterman jacket. Ricky wore the same thing but instead of black his was grey.

We pulled up at the school and Bre smiled. "Have fun, be good. I'll come pick you up around 3."

We all nodded and got out the car.  Eyes immediately turned to us. Girls checking us out and guys sizing us up. I immediately wrapped my arm around Jordon's waist.

We actually got smiles and nods of respect. Miko and Ricky had their fingers clasped together and we walked into the school office.

"Hello. Four new students, Brandon Thomas, Miko Rodriguez, Ricky Salas, and Jordon Parks." The brunette secretary said, with a gentle smile.

We nodded, and she handed us schedules. They were all identical with our lockers all next to each other. Jordon's mom really does have a lot of power.

We walked to our lockers to see a  tablet instead of books. I grabbed mine and we all walked to our first class; Chemistry.

I still hate chemistry. Ms. T, as she said to call her, made us introduce ourselves to the class. I went first holding Jordon's hand.

"My name is Brandon Thomas, I'm 16, I used to live in a small town in Delaware, and oh yeah I'm gay and this is my boyfriend, Jordon."

A few groans sounded but people mostly looked as if they didn't care. Jordon introduced himself.

"I'm Jordon Parks. I'm 15 and I am gay and Brandon is my boyfriend. I came to this school because I was bullied and my mom, Judy Parks is the number one lawyer in our city. If you bully me she'll make sure you go to jail with no chance of parole for at least a year."

I laughed. His mom made him announce that. We sat down at a lab station with a empty one behind us.

"My name is Miko Rodriguez. I'm 16 and I'm Guatemalan and African American. I'm not Mexican. I play soccer and I'm bisexual. And This is my boyfriend."

"My name is Ricky Salas. I'm also 16. I'm Puerto Rican & I'm gay. I play football and baseball. And he's my boyfriend. Touch him and I'll beat your face in."

They sat down behind us and lessons started. It was something we had already covered last week so I didn't pay much attention. Jordon actually paid attention and took notes.

Such a nerd.

The next class we had was English. Mr. Jackson didn't make us introduce ourselves. We sat down at the tables in groups of four which was perfect for us. We were supposed to be doing poems. We had to analyze some and tell what techniques was used. It was easier said than done. Class was finally over and we went to our next class. Physical Education.

We were given new uniforms and we changed into them. We went upstairs to see sport coaches in there. I laughed, Judy Parks really does have power.

Football coach, basketball coach, baseball coach, soccer coach, track coach, and swimming coach.

Hmm, I did like to run or maybe swim. Jordon also wanted to try out for the swim team and track team. Apparently, they wanted us to try out for each thing.

They wanted us to do the agility ladders, then throw the football down before catching a pass back. We all did it but Ricky was the best. He was going to get on the team as long as they didn't mind him being gay.

Basketball was next. We had to do chest passes, three pointers, and lay ups. Baseball was afterwards. We pitched the ball and batted. Jordon was actually really good at baseball. Hell better than Ricky.

Soccer was next. We had to make a goal with their goalie blocking, juggle the ball, do basic soccer skills, and block at least one shot out of three.

I sucked at soccer and can not juggle. I did block the shots and everything else. Nobody accomplished all the tasks except Miko. We all had to sprint a lap around the track field outside and we were being timed. First off was me and Ricky.

We took off sprint when the whistle blew and I was already in front of Ricky. I finished the lap out at 4:23 and smiled, feeling accomplished. Ricky finished at 5:59. Miko and Jordon were next. Jordon was fast. As hell. But Miko was also fast. They both entered at 4:45. Jordon smiled when I kissed him.

"I'm sure you all have great stamina right?" He asked.

We all nodded. We went downstairs to the swimming pool and were given speedos. We all changed into the speedos and had to do 4 laps and being timed.

Miko declined because he can't swim and Ricky hated the smell of chlorine. Jordon and I got in the pool and began to swim as fast as we could. I paid no attention to Jordon but when I came out I noticed him sitting on the edge of the pool.

"I finished a minute ago." he explained to my inquisitive stare.

Jordon smiled and we got dressed, rinsing our hair out in the showers. We went to the vending machine after being told our results will come in tomorrow. We bought some snacks and went to our next class; Art next.

We handed the teacher our late slips and told to sit in easels at the back of the classes. We finished drawing random pictures and talked a little. People asked us questions and were friendly.

Eventually the school day ended, and we went back to my house. Ness bought a dinner set from KFC and sat down at the table. We hungrily ate and everyone finished the food off. With four growing teens, a grown woman who eats as much as a grown man, a hungry 2 or 3 years old and a starving little boy the food was gone within minutes.

Brick stopped by and talked to Jordon for a while before leaving. Everyone was spending the night at my house for some reason. Jordon and I took a shower together and washed each others hair. He even gave me some BJ which I gladly returned.

We fall asleep on my bed and Jordon looked adorable.

Author's Note: Vote. Vote. Vote. Vote. Comment.

Check out my new lesbian book Love is Love... Right? My new boyxboys Defiance and Help Me.

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