The News (19)

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Author's Note: Vote Vote Vote & Comment. I have a new story coming out. It's a collaboration lesbian novel by me and ChopKickJillPow. And The New Girl posted on my page! Go read, comment, vote and everything. Please.

k, love you guys

Chapter 19

Brandon's POV

Jordons' leg is really bad and we took him to get stitches yesterday. His mom was not a happy camper but passed it off as "boys being boys".

Jordon, China, Ceeja, & I have been watching movies all day. Elisa refused to come, she's been distancing herself since they revealed Jessica's secret. I am not sure how to feel about it.

"I'm hungry." Ceeja said, for the eighth time in a hour.

"My sister is cooking dinner." I said, for the eighth time in a hour.

She sighed and crossed her arms. China smiled, "Stop being hungry, fatty."

Ceeja pushed China jokingly and Jordon smiled at them. "You guys are cute."

"We know." Ceeja said, smiling.

"Don't be a cocky son of a bitch!" Jordon smiled.

"That shirt is ugly." China said, wrinkling her nose at Ceeja.

"You're shirt is ugly!" Ceeja said.

Ceeja's shirt was kind of ugly. It was an army green button up made out of  jean with silk cheetah print pockets on the front.

"Eh, your shirt is pretty ugly." I said, "We should burn it!"

"No! I like my shirt! Burn China's, half of it is missing anyways." She said, referring to China's blue crop top.

"No actually her shirt is really cute." Jordon said, staring at it.

"Don't go fag on me." I said, "I don't like trannys!"

Jordon laughed as did the other two girls. "I'd be a cute ass girl!"

I literally laughed so hard I started crying.

"Let's see!" China said, "I'll be right back!"

"Where are you goi—" She slammed the door before I could get my whole sentence out.

"Rude ass bitch." I muttered.

She came back with an armload of dresses, a satchel of makeup, and hair curlers.

Jordon stood up as quickly as he could with his busted leg and put both his arms straight forward.

"No! Hell No! Hell Fucking No! Hell Motherfucking No!" He said, stepping backwards. I grabbed his arm so he didn't trip over anything and pulled him towards me.

"If you do this for me, I'll tell you why Elisa has been distancing herself." China said, in a rather sing song voice.

Jordon and I locked eyes and he nodded once before he sighed. "Fine but no pictures!"

China jumped for joy, literally. "First thing first, choose the outfit."

She grabbed my speakers and put the auxiliary cord into her phone. Immediately, I recognized the beat and tapped my hand to the beat.

It was Sing by Ed Sheeran and I was glad she didn't pick some Beyonce song. I quietly sung a long, laughing whenever she put something too girly on Jordon. He kept protesting everything girly so we just decided on black jeans, a black and white peplum shirt with the back cut out, and black sandals. Most of these clothes were actually Bre's and she's taller and slightly wider than Jordon so the clothes were a little baggy.

I can't stop laughing. I just couldn't. He had half of his hair curled in tight spiral curls. His hair actually looked great and was pretty long and shaggy. The other said was braided to the side in beautiful designs and they shaved off the little bit of a mustache he had. Bre was standing there cracking up and Ness was staring at us. She was not sure how to react.

China was working on tweezing his eyebrows and he kept whining and moving away.

They were struggling to hold him still. He was whining and eventually they got his eyebrows on fleek, (lmfao) but his face was one of pure agony.

"Make up time!" China squealed and Jordon turned to me.

"Brandon don't let them to this to me!" He cried, "You win, just lemme go."

He smiled when I step towards him and kissed him. He shook his head when I backed away and they began to cover his face with China's foundation.

"You evil prick!" He yelled and I laughed.

More like cackled. China grabbed the panel of eyeshadow and liquid and pen eyeliner. She opened the eyeliner top and applied the pen first but didn't do the wing. Just made the eyeliner thick and visible. She the did the wing with the liquid and smiled.

I took it from her and wrote I love Brandon on Jordon's hand. He snatched it away from me and punched me. He pouted and tried to stand up but was pushed back down by Ceeja.

"Oh no you don't." She said, as we watched China apply red lipstick and bright red eye shadow.

He looked good to be completely honest but he'd disagree with that statement. My phone rang and I picked it up.


Nope. No way this bitch can't have the balls to call me.

"What the fuck do you want Jessica?" I asked, my voice cold.

Everybody stopped and stared at me.

"Can I meet with you and your friends?" She asked, "It's important."

"What does she want?" Jordon asked.

"To meet up." I said, "With all of us."

He nodded, "We should. Ask her where."


"Ask her where." He said, wiping off the make up with a wet washcloth.

"Where?" I asked her.

"The diner on 55th." she said.

I hung up and laughed as Jordon pulled off the girls clothes. His face was stained with the smeared red lipstick and he didn't get all the eyeliner off. His hair was still curly and crinkly because he took the braids out. He pulled his jeans and T-shirt back on and walked downstairs with the girls.

"Bre we'll be back. I love you." I called out and heard a faint "OK love you too."

We walked to China's car and piled in.

"What do you think she wants to talk about?" Ceeja asked.

"Beats me." I said, kissing Jordons forehead.

He beamed up at me. We drove to the diner and got out. Jessica was seated in a booth with a chocolate milk shake and basket of curly fries.

"What do you want?" China bluntly said, stealing a handful of fries and dipping them into Jessica's shake.

"To apologize. I'm leaving tomorrow to go back to England and I wanted to say I'm sorry. I should have never did what I did and I apologize deeply. I will be going to see a shrink and everything when I go back." She said.

I wasn't going to accept her apology but Jordon surprised me by saying it's okay.

He even touched her hand gently and they shared a smile.

I snorted, "Good riddance."

She winced and Jordon smacked me in the back of the head.

"I have to finish packing so goodbye." Jessica said, walking away.

I ordered a burger and fries and a Jumbo Jim Strawberry milk shake to share with Jordon. They sung the stupid song and even blew streamers.

We ate and cuddled and for once in my life, I felt totally at peace.

Authors note: Vote and comment.

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