Brick's Fury (9)

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unedited, rated R.

Chapter 9

Brandon's POV

I froze in the middle of my thrust. Jordon froze before stopping his moaning. He couldn't help the moan that escaped his lips when I pulled out. It made a loud pop sound and Brick's face turned to a deeper shade of red.

I quickly pulled on my boxers, throwing Jordon his black briefs. He let out a loud sigh and I pulled Jordon from behind, burying my face into his back. I was terrified of Brick but I'm going to put on my brave face and just deal with it.

"What the fuck is going on here?" He growled, causing me to tightened my grip on Jordon.

"Nothing. Making love with my boyfriend and being interrupted by my annoying brother." Jordon said, wincing slightly when I brushed his stomach.

He was mostly recovered but one of his ribs still had not completely recovered. I whispered an apology in his ear and kissed his neck.

"—are you even listening to me?" Brick growled.

Jordon smiled, "You are so mad. I don't understand why."

"Because he's bad for you and he's an asshole. You spend days crying for him! He's not even worth it! He's a piece of shit! Be honest, how bad can your life be?"

I punched the wall behind me and Jordon flinched. I got up and walked over to Brick. He was a few inches taller but I didn't care.

"You don't know me. So why judge me huh? Huh?! So how about you get the fuck on?" I yelled.

"Fuck no! He's my brother and if you hurt him again. I'll kill you, pretty boy. You and your "hard life" made you hurt my brother but I'll shoot you next time." He snarled.

"Fuck you! You don't know shit about me."

"I don't have to pretty boy, you're the typical I'm spoiled rotten and I  have everything I want but I still hate my life." He spat.

"How about you have a crucifix shoved up your ass and you get beat while bibles while some sicko priest recites scriptures?!" I yelled, "Or being tied to huge crucifixes and being beat for committing "the biggest sin" ever?! Or watching your sister almost kill herself?!"

I swung on Brick hitting him dead in the cheek, "Or how about almost being charged with rape? Or being hated by your parents?"

I looked at Jordon, he looked terrified. I frowned and looked back at Brick. He hadn't tried to retaliate, just stared at me. Then at Jordon. Watching Brick cautiously I went over to Jordon & pulled him into me.

"I'm so sorry baby. I lost my temper." I whispered, kissing his head.

He didn't respond, just buried his face in my chest and wrapped his arms around me. I kissed the side of his face and neck, holding him tighter.

Brick kneeled beside us and rubbed his back. "I'm so sorry. I wasn't trying to scare you."

Jordon looked over at him. He just stared at him.

"Brick, I know you're trying to protect me but I'm going to be with Brandon. Regardless, of anything you have to say. I love him so either you apologize to him or you just take a step back out of my love life." Jordon said.

Brick took a deep breath and made eye contact with me. "I honestly am sorry for judging you. You had to go through a lot and you survived which proves your strong. Plus you pack from one hell of a punch."

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