Dangerous Games

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Barrys pov
Family is everything if you're willing do sacrifice your all. Like they say your blood comes first, no matter what. I was walking with my sister to the police department. "Where did you go when I left after the whole Snart thing?" My sister asked. Of course I wasn't going to tell her I was confronting Snart about never to go near my family or friends again. "Nowhere." I say shrugging.

"You lair! Caitlin told me you went after Snart and told him crap." She stated. I'm going to kill Caitlin for this. I roll my eyes ignoring her and continue to walk. "Why don't you ever listen to me? I specifically told you not-"

I cut her off, "I don't care what you told me. You were seriously injured when you were kidnapped from him for no exact reason." I say as she scoffs, giving me a glare and walking off. May I leave the part 'when I punched Snart square in the nose' out. I sigh and walk after her into CCPD. We arrived at my office, seeing Joe already there. "Hey, Joe."

Maya hugs him as he does the same. "Hey, Barry." He said. I then started explaining how something was up with Dr. Wells about our mothers murder.

"So how does this make Dr. Wells the bad guy?" She asked. Joe looked over at me, already knowing how complicated she was going to be. "We don't know, okay. I just have a feeling he did." I said, not knowing how to explain whatever was in my mind.

She rolled her eyes. "Barry, he's in a wheelchair. How could he even—it's impossible." She exclaimed.

I literally don't have time for this. "Well then you can leave if you don't want to be here. I don't need your comments." I say as she narrows her eyes at me, gets up and walks out muttering a 'whatever'. I sigh and look over at Joe seeing his eyes wide. "I think you're playing a dangerous game with your sister. Is there something going on between you two?"

I shake my head. "No. No it's just I'm frustrated with this." I motion towards my case filled with Dr. Wells pictures. I didn't mean to give Maya attitude or anything, she just doesn't understand. She will though. Soon.

Maya's pov
Stupid, Barry. "'Well then you can leave if you doing want to be here. I don't need your comments.'" I mock his words in a upset tone. I didn't want to be there anyways. I was at a bench, watching the little kids run around at the playground. I smile seeing two kids run after each other, the boy with blonde curly hair chasing a girl with brown hair. I look up to see red parachutes in the sky and smile while everyone is in awe. That's cute. As it slowly started to land, my eyes widened as an explosion went off. "Everyone move out." I shout.

I hear a faint voice calling out for his mother. I turn to see the same little boy that was playing with the girl, lost. Many explosions are going off as my eyes are fixed on the child. I listen to my instincts and run towards the kid, feeling the ground rumble beneath my feet. I arrive to him, grabbing his hand to move out of the dangerous situation. Another explosion went off causing me to collapse to the floor, I grab a hold of the boy hugging him securely. I look up to see a small parachute about a foot away from me. I close my eyes, waiting for it to land on me until there was a strong breeze and I was back on my feet. "Are you okay?" The familiar voice said.

I look up to see my brother, not only as himself but the Flash. Looking around, I the boy now with his father. I could've killed him. I realized I didn't answer Barrys question, noting that he was still looking at me. I nod slowly still shocked he came in time. Barry took me to S.T.A.R. Labs, all of us gathered around to see who caused the mess at the park. "Talking in the third person. That's never a good sign." Cisco stated.

"You're just mad cause he named himself." Caitlin said. Joe disagreeing telling us there was a guy twenty years ago that called himself the trickster. I however was in my own thoughts, overthinking the incident at the park. I tell the group I'm heading out, wanting to be alone right now. "Maya." I hear my brothers voice down the hall. "Are you okay?" No.

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