You looked as cuddly as a porcupine with spikes

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Maya's pov
It's crazy how the person you've gotten attached to can betray your trust. It's like being stabbed behind the back multiple times by your best friend. It doesn't make any sense. I was in my room, my knees to my chest as I stared at my light grey wall. I couldn't seem to get Cisco's words out of my head.

He kills Maya.

He didn't say how I died which caused me to be inquisitive about it. There was a knock on my door, a few seconds later my brother appeared, peeking his head into my room. "Hey, Maya Papaya." He smiled and opened the door completely, a pizza box sitting on his hand. "I brought you some pizza. It's your favorite, canadian bacon." He said, putting it on my bed.

I can't help but feel my stomach eager for food. I opened the box, picking up a piece of pizza and start to take a bite, feeling my taste buds tingle. I look up to see Barry grinning. "What?" I ask.

"Nothing. I'm glad you're eating." He states happy. Weirdo. I wonder why he's still smiling?

"I have been eating, actually." I say. His eyebrows furrowing at my words. I guess he doesn't notice when I eat after they eat food. "But lucky you, I haven't had pizza in a while."

He nods, "So why have been stuck in here all day?" He said, motioning to my room. Jeez, he sounds like I live in my own room. I shake my head. "I guess I was in shock at first but I'm okay now." I get up and walk out of my room, my confused brother following me. By the time we gotten downstairs, everyone greeted me and talked about how we were going to find out about Dr. Wells. Cisco and Joe are going to Starling City, trying to see what they can find.

"Because the love of his life died? You all understand how how grief can change a person." Caitlin said after they told of what Dr. McGee had said to Barry. Joe started saying he believed Dr. Wells is the Reverse Flash and killed our mother. I put my head in my hands frustrated from the situation. "Can you both cover for me?" Cisco asked as I picked my head up.

"Well no, not Maya." I hear Barry say, all of us looking his direction. What, why? We all gave him a bizarre look as he started explaining, "I think you should stay home and not really be anywhere near Dr. Wells." He said, putting his hands in his pockets.

"You want me to stay here all day?" I stand up, clearly not agreeing. "I don't think so." I can't stay here. Not the entire day. I'll be bored and alone. "Barry I can handle lying to Dr. Wells. I'll be fine." I said. Barry sighs and finally says I can be there but he'll be watching over me the whole time. Caitlin saying this was crazy and walking out.

We decided to head to S.T.A.R. Labs, finding Dr. Wells here. I felt myself stomach twist in a knot but I pushed it all away and smiled. Barry left, signaling there was a meta human on the run. "Maya?" I hear Dr. Well say. Just by hearing his voice causes my hands to sweat. I turn around, putting my hands behind my back. "Are you feeling okay?"

"Uh..." I trailed off, trying to think of what to say. My mind went black as he stared at me in confusion. "I need to pee." I said, running out of the cortex. Really, Maya? That was the first thing that came to your mind? Barry caught up with me as we both walk into the cortex. He started explaining that there was a shapeshifter that had stolen jewelry. "So you're saying, this...person can transform to anyone?" I ask as he nods. Cool.

They started explaining for Barry to be cautious and not go near him due to him being the Flash and knowing his identity. Even copy his speed! We started listing the people who have been copied by this meta human. "Look at this. Multiple crimes of this matter." Dr. Wells said. It turns out the list has been going on a month after the particle accelerator. We then asked who the first one was as it came up. "Jacob Fisher. A teller at the Federal Credit Union. Framed by Hannibal Bates."

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