Chapter 15: She Can't Be Dead

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Chapter 15:

Daniella's POV:


"ALAN!! AUSTIN!! HELP ME!!" "Shut up or I will kill you!" "ALAN!!!"


"Love, wake up!" I sit up panting and sweating. "The nightmares are back again?" He asks "yeah did I scream again?" "Yes love you did." I nod and gaze out the window before Alan directs my attention towards him once more "They are never going to hurt you again I promise, As long as I'm alive they will never touch you." He looks at me in the eyes as he releases the words I needed to hear most. "Alan I can't handle this anymore! Everything that's happening is screwing with me! From the baby, to what happened to me, to Austin and Evie." I begin to cry "Shhhh everything is going to be ok." He embraces me as I continue to cry.

***3 Days Later***

I look at my last sight of Paris as we head to the airport. I grab my suitcase out of the car once we get there and soon Alan takes it out of my grasp "You're not carrying this by yourself." I roll my eyes and then nod. We board the plane and we fly for what seems like hours until we are finally back home. We get off the plane and I see Austin with Evie fighting once again. I walk over to them "You two need to seriously stop! If you are never getting back together then drop it and move on! I know you two love each other and I hope you guys work it out but for the time being I highly suggest no contact!" I walk off mad. "They needed someone to tell them that" says Alan "I know I just was sick of hearing them fight constantly about the same thing!" "I know love." He says as he kisses me on the forehead. We get back home and

I jump onto the bed I've missed so much. Alan jumps on top of me "I'm so glad we are home." "Me too love and how did you enjoy Paris?" "It was amazing aside from all that happened." "I'm so sorry love I should've caught you before you had the chance to run off." A tear rolls down his face. "No! It's not your fault! Please don't blame yourself! I know if you had heard my cries you would have been there ASAP! So no blaming yourself!" He clashes his lips to mine, I rip off his shirt and run my fingers through his hair. He bites my lip and plays with the buttons of my shirt that soon is on the floor. I look into his eyes and get lost. I smile and his kisses my neck gently as I let out a moan he automatically sends me into a world that I didn't want to leave. I loved Alan, there wasn't a care in the world when I was with him. You would seriously think that the spark would be gone by now but no it has grew into a wildfire. We soon are done and Alan looks over at me with a smirk and says "better than Paris huh?" I laugh "definitely." He smiles. Then the words that made me dread answering them came out of his mouth "Shouldn't you call your family love?" "Why my family is right here! Vanessa is too wrapped up in her husband talk to me, Mom is to busy for me and Dad is so depressed he doesn't even know I went!" "I'm sorry love! You have me, the baby, Austin, and Evie!" "I know." I say smiling. Then Alan gets a phone call exactly 6 hours after we had gotten home. This call killed me.

Alan's POV:

I look at my phone screen it was Austin "hey Austin what's up?" "G-get to the hospital NOW!" "Dude hold on what's wrong?" "It's Evie man!" I grab Dani and drive as fast as I can to the hospital. We see Austin "what the fuck happened Carlile?" "Pretty eyes it's not good!" "What the hell Austin what's wrong!" "Evie tried commuting suicide; they are trying to revive her." "You mean she flat lined!" I begin to cry. "How?" "When I found her she was in the bathtub with pills all over the floor." "FUCK!" I scream. I look over at Dani who is on the floor in tears "Alan she's my best friend I can't lose her!"  "Love she's my sister and his lover we can't lose her either she's going to be ok." I say trying to calm her down when I knew it was a lie. I was still in tears when the doctor came in and what he said shook me so bad I couldn't handle it.
Sooo sorry I haven't updated in ages!! New chapter up later and I will update 3 times a day from now on I promise:)

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