Chapter 20: Mom

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Chapter 20:
Daniella's POV:
***1 month later***
We are back home but Alan has yet another tour in 5 months. I look at Aria's finished nursery and lay a sleepy little girl in her crib. I turn to a smiling Alan "she's ours love." I smile a little too big.A knock on the door occurs; I kiss Alan and run downstairs to get it. I open it to find the woman I hate more than Lauren "Mom." "Hey sweetie how have you been." As soon as she says that Alan comes down with Aria "love where's her for-" he cuts off when he spots my mother. "Is she yours sweetie?" "Yes mom she is but you wouldn't know because you disappeared you weren't even at our wedding!!" "I know sweetie I'm sorry a lot of stuff has been going on." "I'm sorry about that mom but you can't just show up and expect me to forgive you for abandoning me!! We have had enough of our share of tragedies!!! Evie, Dad, everything that has happened to me and Alan both!! We can't have anymore!!" "I know sweetie but just hear me out I-" "mom save it I can't do this right now just please leave me alone!! All you've ever done was borrow money from me, take things from me, and use me. I'm beyond done with it Mom as far as I'm concerned I have no parents they are both dead!!! The one parent who actually cared about me is gone because of you!!! You left him he fell deep into alcohol and depression and he killed himself Vanessa found him the morning after hanging from his bedroom closet is that the gruesome details you would like to know about? How you have ruined our lives? How because of you our father is gone and now both of our kids have to grow up without a grandfather? Well congratulations mom you've really done great this time!!! Be sure not to trip over yourself while leaving like you have always done on a drug binge." She was heavy on drugs and slept around while she was still with my Dad he went cold after he found out. I hated her with everything in me, she has caused me so much pain during my life growing up and now I have a family of my own to look after I don't have time to put up with her lies and pleads for help! I hear Alan say "you need to leave you are not welcome here!" "Alan please talk to her!" "With all due respect ma'am she doesn't want anything to do with you so if you would leave that would be nice." he slams the door and Aria is still in his arms. I sit on the couch and bury my head in my knees and cry not because of her in general but all of the memories came flooding back "shh love its ok." "No Alan it's not she has pushed me so far there’s no coming back! She has ruined my life so much did you know she used to sleep with every boyfriend I brought home? Yeah that's gross isn't it?" "She hasn't tried with me and she wouldn't touch me because you’re all I need love!! You've had a seriously messed up life and with that comes learning. Now you can be a better mother towards Aria than she was to you." I smile and nod "I'm going to give this little baby the world." He kisses my forehead and takes Aria and puts her to sleep.
Alan's POV:
I run upstairs and put little Aria to sleep as I start back downstairs my phone rings "hello." "Hey babe." I recognized the voice "Lauren! What the hell? How did you get my new number?" "I have ways." "I swear if you keep stalking me I'm putting harassment charges on your ass!" "Oh please Alan you know you still love me!!!" "Lauren, if I still loved you I would have left Dani by now." "Aww babe c'mon you know you want to." "No! You would have ring on your precious little finger if I wanted you now seriously stop fucking calling me!!!" "Whatever Alan deny it all you want to but you know it's true I'm better for you she's nothing compared to me!!" "Oh please Lauren get over yourself!!! It's not happening we are over accept it seriously I'm so sick of dealing with you!!!" "Well maybe I have information regarding Austin Carlile." "What information?" "He told one of my friends that so happens to be his other best friend that he is in love with Dani." "That's not true!!! He loved Evie not Dani stop trying to play mind games with me Lauren I have better things to tend to bye!" I hang up on her Austin in love with Dani? That's not possible is it?

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