Chapter 3: lesbian

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Kim Namjoon was his name, and keeping Hoseok away from you was the game.

"Again, she isn't interested in you," Namjoon told Hoseok as he pulled the male away from you.

"She hasn't officially let me down though!"

Namjoon rolled his eyes at him then stared straight at you as you ate your pizza while watching the two bicker. "Y/N, are you in any way interested in Hoseok?"

You looked over at the black haired boy as he gave you puppy eyes in hopes that you wouldn't let him down. And you couldn't let him down with such a puppy face. "As a friend... maybe..."

You watched Namjoon smile as you turned down Hoseok, but somehow Hoseok was smiling brighter than him though. "That's good enough!"

You smiled at his response and knew right away that he knew his limits which was something rare to see in college guys.

"Aren't you a lesbian?" Your breath hitched at his voice and also at his question. "I heard something about you having a long distance girlfriend before." He had an affect on you and it was pretty crazy what he did to you.

But that didn't matter in the moment sense he brought up something of your past that was not easy on you.

"I was busy all day," You sighed on the phone while flipping through your notes. "I'm thinking of switching my major because I can't keep up with this."

"Do whatever you want to do," she mumbled. Her tone was off. Usually by now she would be going on and on about how you both a need a whole day off to be on the phone all day or video chat. But she was lacking on something.

"I miss you...," you whispered twirling a pencil in your fingers. You knew something wasn't right. She was your first love, a relationship that had lasted you four years and was soon going to be five. That was until this very moment.

"I miss you too..." The affection you searched for was there. But it wasn't the type of affection you needed. This was different. "The other day... at the office... I started to cry because I really missed you." This hurt your heart so much. You two were not exactly the best couple ever, but you loved each other dearly.


"I'm not finished."

You stayed quiet at the way she snapped.

"I love you so much. You know that I've even thought about our future together but that's my problem. I'm the doing everything."

No. You knew where this was going.

"You have such a power over me. You make me cry so easily. I make you cry so easily. We get each other mad but you let everything go meanwhile I have to try to deal with everything. And I don't want that anymore. I can't be with you anymore." What hurt the most was how well practiced this was. She always sounded professional, that was because she practiced just about every life event in front of her mirror.

"Y/n... it's over..."

You were now back in reality and cursed at yourself as you realized that you spaced out on the people in front of you.

"I'm actually-"

"She's bisexual," Jungkook cut you off. He stared at his Hyung. "Meaning she likes guys and girls."

He kept his gaze towards Jin's direction, seeming so concentrated that it made you worried. Once you were turning your head to look over at Jin Hoseok jumped over the table to be face to face with you. "HOLY SHIT! HOW MANY GIRLS DO YOU PICK UP!?"


It had been a few hours since you left the apartment. All the boys where asleep when you left. It was nice getting to know them. Jungkook was sure that his duty as your wingman was going to work well.

But he sensed something off. That's why he was awake at five in the morning sipping on milk that was soon to be expired.

Jungkook hoped that maybe you would do the same for him towards Gina, invite him over randomly to hang out and be around her. He would later on admit to you that his textbook was never missing. He simple just put a big pile of clothes over it and knew you wouldn't hesitate on coming by. He needed to see what kind of vibe you and Jin had to know where exactly he had to help you out.

That's what threw him off though. The way Jin seemed flustered when he opened the door and saw you. Of course you didn't see it because you, yourself, got flustered at his sight.

The way Jin kept stealing glances your way. How he smiled to himself while watching you eat. He'd shake off that smile. Frown to himself a second later then act normal again.

What got Jungkook the most was how when Jin said you were into girls... he looked upset. This was a new look to his Hyung that he'd never seen before. Only when Jin was close to failing a class was when he saw a look close to that.

But, also when Jungkook said you were bisexual, how relieved Jin seemed. He had the biggest smile on his face. This got him worried though. He didn't exactly know why he was on panic mode on the inside. He was excited about being your wingman. It was a delight to think of himself as one. But what if you and Jin got together right away. Would you still help him with Gina? Or was he going to be left behind and watch the two of you be happy together. Would you two even be happy together?

"You should sleep."

Jungkook looked up to see a sleepy Namjoon with a glass of water watching him from the other side of the table.

"I'm not tired."

Namjoon raised a brow at you and sat down now. "Everything okay?"

Jungkook knew nothing was wrong. In fact things were maybe going the way they were suppose to be. So he couldn't tell Namjoon how he was feeling. "Everything's alright." He gave him a small smile before drinking some of his milk.

Namjoon didn't believe the younger. "Do you..." Jungkook looked up at his elder waiting for him to continue. "... like her?"



He frowned. "No. I'm trying to set her up with Jin."

Namjoon nodded. "So are we going to see much of her now? I wouldn't mind having her be apart of our friend group."

Jungkook smiled at this and nodded his head as well. "I hope so."

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