Chapter 24: What A Small World

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"What are you doing here?"

The voice that had been the same voice that was there for you when you were at your weakest. You ran out of the restroom and felt some comfort at the sight of the two in front of you.

"Mom! Dad!," you shouted as you ran to embrace your parents in your arms.

"Wow, didn't know I had to send you away to college to get an actual reaction from you," your mom said with such a warm voice.

"What's Irene doing here?" your dad asked. "I thought you broke up awhile ago?"

"We di-"

"We've been comfortable," Irene interrupted you. "I moved here to Seoul awhile ago and barely got in touch with her. And everything's been feeling like a miracle ever since."

Your parents loved Irene. She knew of it. They wouldn't hesitate to hear such news. Which is why your mother was now gleaming with joy while clapping her hands. "I knew you two love birds would find a way."

"I gotta say, I did have a hard time believing you two cut ties. It's good to see that you both found a way to be together."

What Irene also knew, was that your parents meant the world to you. And that if you saw them happy, you wouldn't correct them. So all you did was nod.

Irene was only a few inches taller than you, so she easily wrapped her arms around you and kissed your cheek. "Thank you for the support, Mr and Mrs. Park. It really means so much for us."

"What's going on?"

Your head snapped to the door, to see Jin standing there with a puzzled look on his face. His eyes were focused on how Irene had her arms around you, and would shift to what was most likely a lipstick stain on your cheeks.

"Why do you have your arms around my baby girl?"

"You're no longer together," Irene said with the same smile still plastered on her face. "So maybe, you should leave."

"You don't get to tell me what to do." This was a new side to Jin that you hadn't seen. He was always one that would work with what the other wanted mostly. Always made sure that no matter what, his attitude was positive. But right now, he seemed possessive.

Both of them were glaring at each other, causing such tension to be felt everywhere.

"Not in front of my parents," you mumbled before grabbing both of your ex's by the shoulder and pushing them towards the front door. "Whatever problem you both have, fix it somewhere else. But not here!"

You slammed the door on them, then turned to your parents. "I can explain what just happened!"

"Really?," your father asked.

"Okay... no... but I can try to explain it."

As you explained to your parents what was going on, outside your door, Jin and Irene kept their glaring going on.

"Why did you suddenly appear?," Jin asked the small girl in front of him. "You appeared right after we broke up... that's too much of a coincidence!"

She scuffed before walking down the hallway. "Maybe it's the universe proving that I am the one for her:"

He followed behind her, since they were both heading out anyways. "You know you don't deserve her."

"And you do?" The reply caught Jin off guard. "We both know you played an unfair game."

The elevator opened for both, only to reveal Hoseok and Jungkook.

"I told you to wait in the car-"

"We were... but my stomach started growling so we- Noona?"

Irene's facial expression changed from annoyed, to genuinely sincere once Jungkook stopped in front of her. "How have you been, Jungkook?"

Blush seemed to have crept on Jungkook's face as he sheepishly scratched the back of his neck and tried to keep eye contact with her. "I-I've been good."

"How do you know her?"

"She's the stranger that helped me out that night." Realization hit Jungkook making him question his older. "What are you doing here?"

"She's y/n's ex."

Irene smiled brightly at Jungkook before grabbing him by the arm. "Soon to be girlfriend and not ex. I believe Jungkook can help me out with her. Right?"

"Uh..." He took a trip to find out his feelings. He made up his mind he wanted to marry you. Yet, here he was considering giving into your ex and letting you two live happily. You have loved her in the past, so why wouldn't you love her again?

"He's not helping you!"

"Why not?"

"You appear right after Y/n and I broke up. You keep pushing yourself on her. Now I find out that you were the one that helped Jungkook out that night. The world is small but not too small."

Horror struck Jungkook as Irene kept the smile on her face as Seokjin talked. "Noona..." Both elders  attention went back to the youngest. "That night... you drove me to my apartment. I'm grateful for that. But you didn't hesitate or ask for any directions as we drove to my place.  However... I never gave you my address."

Now her smile was gone.

"You gave it to me."

"I didn't."

Hoseok grabbed Jungkook's shoulder and signaled to Seokjin. "I think we should go."

"Yeah," Jin agreed.

They all began walking to the elevator, leaving Irene behind.  Jin stopped to give Irene a warning. "Be careful. Something tells me that Taehyung wasn't your only source to us. I don't think Y/n would be okay with it. I don't want to see you ever again, Irene."

"It's Joohyun to you."

"Is that really her reply to being caught?," Hoseok whispered to his friends.

Jin seemed annoyed, while Jungkook seemed upset. The world is small, huh?

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