chapter 5: New Friends

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When Namjoon said party, you imagined a party full of alcohol and drunk people dancing on each other with sweat everywhere. Not a couple of people hanging out with soda and juice boxes as well as pizza and wing heaven with a movie playing on the background.

"Not what you were expecting?," Namjoon asked Jimin and you as you both sat across from each other at the kitchen table guarding the wings. You were both still waiting on Gina to show up, who was supposedly only a few minutes away, which meant an hour.

"Not at all," You chuckled. "But I like it. A small crowd of people just eating and watching movies."

"It gives me a cozy feeling," Jimin smiled.

"All right! Well I'd like to introduce you to some people." He tapped on the glass and smiled at you. "Common!"

Jimin and you both followed the peaches haired boy to the living room that was most likely only filled with about 5 people.

"Of course you know Hoseok, Jin and Jungkook. So we'll skip them," Namjoon chuckled, while shooing away Hoseok who was talking to another guy. He was tall and quite fit and seriously had very handsome features. His jawline could basically slice an apple. "This is Jackson. He's big but a big ball of love."

Jackson slammed his hand over his heart and blew Namjoon a kiss which earned Namjoon to blink at him for a couple of long seconds. "Anyways ..."

He sat you down at the couch where the other two were sitting as well as Jimin, Namjoon sitting in the middle of you both. "Over there," he pointed at the ground were all the others were sitting on the ground. "Next to Jungkook we have Dahyun. She tried teaching me piano but I couldn't handle it so I befriended her so that way all those lessons didn't really go to waste." She looked up from the conversation she was having with the others and stared him down. "You really make it sound as if this is a make a wish foundation thing."

Now everyone was looking at the small group of you on the couch.

"Where's Yoongi?," Jin spoke up as he sat up in a more comfortable position.

"He took his girlfriend out on a date so he'll be here late."

The tv had the Emperors New Groove and you smiled watching the bromance movie. "Can someone pass me a wing?," You asked.

Dahyun grabbed the plate full of wings and passed it to you. "So you're y/n? It's nice to finally have another girl here as well."

"You're the only girl who hangs out with these guys?"

Then all the boys from the original group looked over Dahyun waiting for something. She gave a bitter smile and they all seemed to be prepared for something. "Sometimes... Yoongi's girlfriend joins us. But I hate that bitch."

You nearly dropped your wings when she said that- okay. You DROPPED your wings but that wasn't the point of all this.

"Is she bad?," You asked obviously knowing the answer.

"Yes." She answered with a straight face. "I'm actually the one that set them up. Yoongi and I were really close friends before he started to date her. In fact, many people thought that we were dating. Anyways, I worked part time at a café where she also worked at. She would always be drooling over him whenever he came to pick me up, and I noticed it right away. I thought she was an angel back then, so I talked a bit with her and she kindly asked me to help her get to know him. So I did. When I brought her up to him he actually seemed interested. So yeah they started dating."

This story was worrying you. You looked over at Jungkook who was already staring back at you. Hearing this, you hoped that maybe he wouldn't change his mind. But you knew if he did, he had a great reason to.

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