Chapter 11: Official

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It was the first day of school again, and you wanted to jump off a cliff.

Why? Because you lost your best friend.

Ever since the day Tae walked away from you, all contact with him was cut out. You tried messaging him, calling him, dming him, snapchatting him. Nothing worked. You went to his house the first few days only to have his roommate say that he wasn't home. Later on, finding out that he was home. Soon, also that he blocked you from everything.

"I'm sorry you're not starting the year how'd you like it."

You turned around and saw the guy who was somewhat your boyfriend. It just wasn't official, yet. You guys held hands, kissed, and many couple stuff. But through out these past few weeks, you only had to put an official on what you both were.

You walked up to him pecked his lips before getting ahold of his hand. "At least I got my favorite boy with me."

Jin blushed at this then started walking with you. "You really dropped theater class, huh?"

You nodded. "I only took the class for him. But he doesn't need me."

Jin watched your group of friends sitting underneath a tree on a bench and smiled. "But hey, at least you have us now."

You looked over them as well. Gina wasn't there anymore. Gina got an internship for a few months and therefore decided to take her last courses online. Meaning, you weren't going to see much of her as well. The only person who knew more of Gina was Jungkook but that was because they had their own little thing going on as well.

"It's a miracle to see you in the day time!," you chirped at Yoongi who was laughing along with Dahyun.

He looked up at you and rolled his eyes.  "I was dragged into getting Day courses."


You turned around to see a girl from your old women's history class running to you. "Hi?" You never really interacted.

"How are you!?"


You made eye contact with Jin who knew there was something off.

"Mind if I join your group for a quick sit."

You didn't know the girls name at all. Why would you? But you really didn't have much of a say since it was the schools property.

"Who are you?," Jungkook asked her. You didn't have to look over at your now new best official friend. He already knew this girl wasn't close to you.

She giggled. "Kai!"

That's when you realized why she sat with you guys. Her eyes were on Jin when she said her name. And you both weren't holding hands, just sitting next to each other, so you probably didn't look like a couple- not that you were officially a couple.

Your stomach churned at this thought. If Jin ever wanted to be with someone else, you wouldn't stop it. He wasn't yours. Neither of you had talked about were you stood, but it wasn't an official mark.

"And how do you know Y/n?"

She leaned her frame against the table, giving her cleavage a good view for everyone. "We had a women's history together." Eyes still on Jin, she was hoping that he would look. And you didn't dare checking if he was. It would hurt you.

"Aw! Baby!" You looked over at Jin who looked at you with a small grin on his face. "You never told me you took women's history!"

He never called you baby.

Now your stomach had butterflies.


You were cut off by Kai. "Baby? You two... are dating?"

This was a moment you knew you wouldn't forget. Jin grabbed your hand kissed the top of your forehead. "Yeah. She's mine. My girlfriend."

You blushed and hid your face at the crook of his neck, mumbling "Thank you" to him.

Kai was quick to ruin the moment. "Isn't she a lesbian?"

Jin smiled at her while managing to look annoyed by her. "Obviously she's bi if she's with me, right?"

Before she could say something else Jungkook was quick to interrupt her. "You should leave now."

The girl opened her mouth to say something but instead shut it fast and mumbled a quick goodbye before leaving.

"That was so-"

"YOU TWO ARE OFFICIAL!?" Dahyun cut off Yoongi. She smiled and leaned over the table to take a look at you both in each other's hold. "I'm so happy for you both!"

You blushed at the eyes on you. Held tight onto your boyfriends arm and nodded. This was a weird way to become official. But it happened.


Gina laid on her bed scrolling through Instagram.

"They became official today." She looked over Jungkook who was putting on his shirt, while having his back facing her.

"It's about time." She laid her phone down on her bedside knowing he was going to ramble.

"We should become official."

She scoffed and got up from the bed towards her closet to grab her favorite robe to cover up her bare body. "We only have sex." It was true. They didn't have a special bond. Their time together was only for the sex. Sometimes Jungkook would talk his problems out to her. But that was all.

"We can be more. Gina, I've liked you since the day I saw you."

Stupid boy. "You can be attracted to someone at first glance but you can't like someone. You know nothing of me, as I know nothing of you."

He stayed quiet.

"We're ending this by the way."

Know he was confused. "Is it because of-"

"I met at a guy where I intern and I can see myself dating him for a quite some time."

"What's his name?"


Jungkook was now fully dressed and made his way to her door. There wasn't much to say to each other now.

"Before you go." He looked over his shoulder to look at the girl he was no longer going to have contact with. "I think.. you should get to know Taehyung."

That was something he wasn't expecting. Why Taehying? Taehyung was a rude person from what Jungkook had collected with their encounters.

"You have more in common than you think."

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