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Hi guys! Sorry for not updating this story. This honestly is more of a journal than a story. In case you're wondering, I've been good recently. I've been a little confused but nothing is majorly wrong. Just your everyday confusion. I do have a small question though. Does it mean anything if you get dizzy a lot? I've been getting dizzy daily for the past few months. Before then it was just every so often. If you have any information on that then I would highly appreciate it. Also, I do happily take requests on stories. If you wanna suggest something then just tell me and I promise I will try my hardest to get that done for you.
Another thing, I am open to questions. I am going to tell you a few things about me ( some personal, random, weird, etc). Let's just do that.

Today, my sister painted my nails. They're black and yes, she did have my consent to do it. Weird fact about me is I painted my nails a lot in 4th and 5th grade due to my anxiety. I thought that painting them now might still help me. *Fun fact* People with anxiety sometimes bite/ pick at their nails. Say whatever you want, but I have done it my whole life. I would bite my nails to relieve stress and try to calm myself. When I paint my nails, I quickly stop biting them due to the horrible taste of nail polish. * Also my nails are fucking short*  Painting my nails helps me stop biting my nails and picking at them ( because I have OCD and if the paint is chipped then it'll bug the hell out of me).

Random fact about me is that I find eyes aesthetically pleasing (is that weird?). My eyes are my favorite thing about me because I just love them. I think it's because my whole family has blue and brown eyes and mine are green. ALSO, I always pay attention to this. I like noticing which hand people write with. My friends, my dad, my siblings ( as far as I know) are all right handed. I am a leftie and I really like that. My mom is ambidextrous but she learned how to do it ( she's genetically right handed). My aunt and uncle are left handed so that's cool.

Personal fact about me is that I want to go to Emerson College in downtown Boston, Massachusetts for writing. I have wanted to go there for a bit and I think that it would be difficult but I would *possibly* be okay. That's not really that personal so here's another fact. When I was in 2nd grade, I had laser eye surgery and it made my vision worse. I have a high glasses prescription. I am nearsighted and I have a lazy eye ( right eye). You can ask anyone who knows me, I am as blind as a bat.

Family fact about me is that I have met 11 of my cousins. I know for a fact that I have a lot more than 20. ( Yesterday, I met my little cousin Chelsea for the first time and she is adorable!)

Pet peeves (what annoys me) fact about me is that I can't stand chewing with your mouth open, talking while eating, poking, not using manners, joking about serious topics, being a bitch just because you want to, abandoning things, smudges, chipped paint, dirty rooms, hair strands, sand, the sun shining in my face, dumbass people, stereotypes, repeatedly saying the same thing over and over, being bossed around, people who don't want to work for what they have * that's a big one for me*, not appreciating what you have, uneven papers, fingerprints on glass/ phones/ etc, dust, bent pages/ papers, uneven folds, proportion mistakes, bullying, glasses falling down noses ( do not even get me started), snobby people, rich people ( some, not all of them), bra/ tangtop/ binder straps ( I don't know if I'm the only one that's like that), and SO. MANY. MORE!

That's all for this week's episode of " Bored out of my mind". Join us next time!

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