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You know I love sharing random facts about myself. ( Prepare yourselves because I'm really hyper and can talk for a while)

Since I've been thinking a lot about dreams lately, here's something about me.
When I was little, from the time I was 4 until I was 6 or 7, I had the same dream about twice a week. I was on top of a volcano. And I should mention that I am terrified of heights. I would be as far back from the ledge as possible. But I always slipped and fell hundreds of feet to the ground. I would always wake up shaking just before I hit the ground. My mom would always wake up when I had this dream because I would be crying. After a few minutes, the feeling of falling would disappear. My mom is a really smart woman. She told me that me falling in my dream might represent me falling away from something I hold close to me. Like I was holding onto the volcano for protection. When I was 4, my parents got divorced. My mom thought that my reoccurring dream was a symbol for me missing my dad. She said that the volcano represented him and me falling represented us being pulled apart. This never made sense to me since I've never been that close with my dad. But what can I say? I was just a kid.

Speaking of being 7, when u was in 2nd grade, I had laser eye surgery, mainly on my right eye. My aunt was down and she stayed with us. The doctors said that the surgery made my vision worse because they did something wrong. I have also seen Jack play thise doctor games and I saw a laser eye surgery one. Yeah...It still scares me that the doctor's did that to my eye.

Also in 2nd grade, my dad found two cats behind a dumpster at his work. ( My dad got custody of us when I was 7) Both of them were those blonde orange like tabby cats. He knew I loved animals so he brought them home. My sister got one and I got one. She named her's Boots because of his white paws. I named mine Beazus. I don't know why I name my cat that but I did. A few months went by and my dad pointed out to me that Beazus was a boy. I renamed him Claws because he always loved scratching my knees. A few more months passed and I couldn't find him. My dad said that he ran into the woods to find his family. I believed him and hoped he would find his parents and siblings. A few weeks later, I found out he was actually eaten by the neighbors two chow dogs. They were really cute dogs but I didn't really like them that much.

While we're talking about 2nd grade and dogs, ( yeah I have a lot if 2nd grade memories), my sister had a dog named Cocoa. She was a brown pitbull that she had since we were like toddlers. But one day our neighbors' nephew was over and she bit him. He had to get stitches in his arm. What happened was he was throwing toys at her, and she was a really calm and loving dog by the way, and he went to pick the toys back up. He went over there and turned back around after he got them. Cocoa hated people turning their backs on her. I don't know why. My dad said that she had been abandoned by a few people. She ran up and grabbed him by the arm. He screamed and she immediately let go and layed in her doghouse. They didn't press charges but the landlord made my dad got rid of her. After a lot of crying and pain, my dad finally took her to the pound.

Let's skip forward three years. Ah, 5th grade was definitely something. We lived in Albany, Georgia. We lived on a street with a really high crime rate. Our school was not a very safe one. Also, don't believe me if you want, our house was haunted. You can ask anyone. There were people that would follow only the small kids, which were my cousins and my brother whenever he was visiting. Things would be randomly thrown at only me and my youngest brother. People looked through our windows and our neighbors knew there were a few kids living in the house and went beyond limits to protect us. Our neighbor to the left was named Ange I think. She was a really nice, yet really crazy, lady. She was black and not that tall. She would always talk to my dad about making sure our doors and windows were locked at night. She knew the street because she lived there for a long time. That was also the year the Purge came out. She gave my dad a fully loaded pistol and told him to make sure we stayed safe. The most fun day in 5th grade would have to be when me and my cousin were sitting on our front porch. Just hanging out. And our neighbor, I think his name was Jim, went right in front of our house, in the center of the road, facing west. We didn't know what he was doing. He pulled out a gun and shot himself in the stomache. The bang echoed the street and my Granny ran onto the porch and yanked me and my cousin inside. We weren't allowed to sit on the front porch alone anymore.

Skip to 6th grade, we just moved to Florida. I had never been to Florida before so I instantly hated it. When we got settled into our new house, about a week or two after moving in, there was three loud knocks on my window. I rolled my eyes and went to the living room. " Can you tell Dad to stop trying to scare me?" I asked his fiance annoyed. She looked at me weird and said he was in the back room. I went in the room and he was sitting back there with my brothers. " What?" He asked me. " You weren't knocking on my window?" I asked. He looked at me weird and got up. He told the boys to go to their room. He came in my room and I told him about the knocks. We went in my sister's room and asked if she heard anything. She said no. Just as she did, three loud knocks came from her window. She jumped up and me and her stayed in the hallway as our Dad went outside with a flashlight and one of my sister's old metal softball bats. He didn't find anything. The next day, we told our highschool friend, Vivian, about the previous night. She told us that some teenagers like going around the neighborhood knocking on people's windows with BB guns to scare them. Well, it worked.

Skip to 8th grade, I was home alone and heard someone snoring in my attic. A few minutes later, I heard crying. I was texting my friends and making a joke of it. But I was terrified. My dad went up there and no one was there. The only time the noises are heard is when I'm home alone.

Does your family have weird traditions? Mine does. We eat weird things and do a lot of things. 1) My family has a thing where we eat peanut butter and syrup. We mix it in a bowl and eat it. It's actually good despite what some people tell me. 2) Me, my full siblings, and my mom have a thing where every Halloween and Christmas we watch the Nightmare Before Christmas. I'm pretty sure I'm the only one who still does it though. 3) Everytime I see my mom, she shows me how to draw and paint more like her and we play piano. I'm not that good at it but we have fun. 4) LET ME RANT FOR A SECOMD BEFORE WE BEGIN!! So my grandparents ( mom's side) have had that house since me and my sister were really little. They recently sold it because my grandma is terminally ill and doesn't have long to live. My Papa said he doesn't want to stay in the house after she dies. But our family has so much history in that house. My great grandma Jan died there, some of our childhood dogs died there, puppies have been born there, we grew up there, our grandma has been treated there, and so many other things. My grandma decided she wants to stay with our Aunt Kim, her sister, until she dies. So they moved out and now no one has my childhood house. Anyway, onto the story. We lived on a road in Ozark, Alabama that curved  into a circle like shape. You turned down the road and our house would be the third one of the right. The road was kinda like a hill. As you went around, it went down. Then when you turned onto the main road, it went up. We would always walk with our Mom down the road. In the spring, we would pick the honeysuckles that grew by the woods and bring them to our grandma to enjoy them with her. Then my Papa would come home and hug us all and pick me up. " Watch out, hugabug! The tickle monster's here!" He would always say. We would all play and then have dinner. We would watch some family shows and then go to sleep. My grandma always started cooking at 5 o'clock sharp. Dinner was done by 6 every night. At 7:30, we'd start getting ready for bed and she'd have us in bed by 8 o'clock. We never got to stay up past 8. Grandma's rules.

I remember when I was 5, it was Christmas. I was obsessed with Alvin and the Chipmunks. I got the movie and I was so happy. Myom said she never saw me so happy.

Or when I was in 6th grade and I got Lily. My mom gave her to me. She could fit in my palm. I loved her. I still do. But on October 18, 2016, she wasn't mine anymore. I remember getting so pissed when my sister's friend would come over and pet her. I didn't like anyone touching my cat. My mom gave her to me and I wasn't going to tell anything happen to her.

I think you guys are getting annoyed because I'm annoying myself with how much I am typing. Anyway, until next time.

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