imagine 3 :- ENZO + DAMON

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Imagine being in love with Damon and Enzo being in love with you

Sitting in the Salvatore house, you think about your life. Being the little sister of Elena Gilbert wasn't easy. She was like a danger magnet and even if she didn't want to, you and Jeremy were always dragged into dangerous situations with her. It wasn't completely her fault as well. It wasn't that hard for Jeremy, seeing as he was a Vampire Hunter and shared the brotherhood of the five and also the Hunter's marks. But you, you are a curious little Gilbert and let's just say that "curiosity killed the cat" holds a special meaning for you.

Due to Elena's magnetic behavior toward danger and your curious nature you had found yourself in lots of troublesome situations but you always came out alive as well. It all always ended well. But this time, it seems like all you can see is darkness. Elena was gone. Not dead, but in some kind of a magical coma. Yes, that evil Kai did it to her. Elena's life is now linked to Bonnie's and she will only wake up when the Bennet witch dies.

Jeremy wasn't there was well. After what happened to Elena he came to say good bye, but he left soon after as well. But even a good bye to you. But you ignored it. Thinking about how busy he was and maybe that he forgot.

The only thing that was running in your mind was thoughts about the guy you had fallen head over heals for. The one and only Damon Salvatore. It wasn't a very smart thing seeing as he is the boyfriend of your sister, but love cannot be controlled right? It just happens.

It has been a few months since the thing with Elena happened and the few months have brought both of you closer to each other.

You knew Damon could never love you the way you love him, the kind of love he has for Elena was something that not many people could have and you thought that you weren't one of them.

In these months, you were the one who kept Damon from spiraling down the hole. You were the one who held him together. Caroline and Stefan were busy with themselves, Matt was busy keeping the town safe from the heretics with the help of Bonnie. And Enzo had been gone. You hadn't met him for a long time.

You walked up to Damon's bedroom and heard the sound of another bottle breaking. Sighing you peeked inside. All over the floor was broken glass and Damon was standing near the window.

"Damon?" he turned around. The hurt was clear on his face.

"Hey Y/N." he gave you a pathetic excuse of a smile.

"You need to stop it, Damon." his smile vanished and he turned away.

"Stop what?" he asked in a hard voice.

"This, this form of self destruction. Don't forget what she wanted you too do. Be happy, live your life Damon." you placed your hand on his shoulder.

"Are you asking me to forget her, littlest Gilbert?" he asked, malice in his voice.

You had smiled initially hearing his name for you, littlest Gilbert. It always made you smile. But then, his tone made it vanish soon.

"No, Damon. I'm not asking you to forget her. I know you cannot do that but I know my sister. I'm sure she wouldn't want you to mop around for the next 70 years."

"Always have a point, don't you?" his voice sounded so sad, so broken.

"Well, I am friends with you. So I have to keep you in check." you winked at him and walked out and sat down on one of the couches when you heard the shower running.

This has happened only a few moments ago. The shower was running.

"Fancy seeing you here, gorgeous." you heard someone speak behind you but you didn't need to turn around to figure out who it was.

"I thought I'd never see you again, Enzo." he came in front of you and you smiled at him, making him return it.

"What are your doing here?" he asked, sitting on another seat.

"Damon needed help." you shrugged.

He sighed, "When will you do something for yourself, Y\N?"

"What?" I asked surprised looking at him.

"We all see how much you love him." Enzo said calmly.

Your eyes widened when you realized they the only thing you tried to keep from your friends and siblings would most probably no longer be a secret.

"N-no, I'm not." you said seriously.

"Denial isn't gonna work here, love." Enzo chuckled.

You stayed quiet for a while when you realized you couldn't hide it anymore, not from him at least.

"Enzo, please don't..."

"I won't tell anyone, love; but don't do this to yourself." Enzo said as he walked to the seat closest to you before sitting down again.

"I'm not doing anything to myself, Enzo. It's not in my hands." you whispered.

"Of course it is." He whispered back.

"Have you ever been in love, Enzo?"

A flicker of sadness appeared on his face but he quickly covered it up with a smile before you looked at him.

"I have." he whispered, his eyes stuck on you. But you didn't see that. You were looking at the flames flickering in the fireplace.

"Then you know I can't control it. You see those flames? Love consumes you just like that."

"What are you guys talking about?" Damon asked as he walked in wearing just trousers.

"Just talking about stuff, mate." Enzo replied. You looked at him to see his eyes still on you.

There was something in those eyes, something that you have seen before but never for yourself. His eyes were burning with something as he looked at you. But you quickly looked away. You were afraid of what you might see in them.

"Enzo, I'm going to meet Elena, you mind taking care of Y\N for a while? I'll be back really soon." he asked as he wrote a black T-shirt.

You looked at him with sad eyes. You knew Enzo was right. You were just hurting yourself with everything. You knew you needed to stop.

"Yeah, Um... Sure I guess. " Enzo said.

"No that's fine. An old friend contacted me yesterday. I'm going to meet with them so... I'll be going now." You stood up and Enzo stood up along with you.

"I can go with you." he said expectantly.

"Um... I would like to go alone, Enzo. Next time, you can come with me." you said with a smile, a sad smile, and walked out of the Salvatore boarding house. With no intentions of coming back there any time soon.

It's time you did something for yourself. It's time you move on from Damon.

There might or might not be a part two.... depending on if people like it. ☺

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