imagine 38 :- DAMON

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This man.... Sigh :')

Okay, let's focus... No amount of swooning is gonna feel like it's enough :')

Coming back to the point, this one, it is a bit different from the normal ones. There is a little special surprise for the you guys as well. If I say anything more in the beginning I will risk revealing it so read on people!!


"Just leave me alone!" You thundered and walked ahead of the man as he followed you.

"Oh stop walking away from me!" Damon shouted too.

You turned around and stared at him, hard, "Make me."

"You and I both know that if a situation like this arises again, I will do exactly what I did."

You groaned and pulled at your hair before releasing the hold, thinking how you will turn bald if you let Damon's actions get to you.

You took a deep breath and walked towards Damon, "This is a bunch of original vampires we are talking about, It doesn't matter if they threaten me, you don't attack them, they will not hold back in killing you.

"I would like to see them try," Damon smirked.

"Damon you don't know yet how to kill an original. Hell, we don't even know if we can yet. SO for one second, just think instead of being reckless."

Damon stood still and looked at your eyes as he too thought about how to go on with this conversation, "Y/N, I know what I am doing. And I mean it. I don't care who they are, I don't care how strong they are, if they threaten to harm you then I make it a point to them. Nobody comes after my girl.

Internally, you were swooning, externally, you groaned again, you were sure that Damon was gonna get himself killed by one of the Mikaelsons.

Damon smirked in amusement and put his hands around your shoulder. You spoke first, "You are so freaking stubborn."

"You love it. You love me." He kissed the side of head, just above your ears.

"I do," you sighed.

"Let her go!" Someone, a voice you recognised pretty well screamed.

Damon stiffened as his hold tightened protectively around you, but his face hardened as he faced at the man now standing in front of him.

"I said, let her go, blood sucker." The man said firmly.

Damon didn't like how you struggled against his hold. You were only trying to face this man.

When you did turn around, your eyes widened as it fell on the man's face, "Oh. My. God." You whispered slowly.

"Y/N?" he asked surprised, for a second caught off-guard.


"You know him?" Damon asked with a frown.

You laughed gleefully and Damon, in shock lightened his hold on you.

However, the laugh didn't last long as you saw the gun in his hand.

"No, no. Dean, lower the gun. He is one of the good guys."

He stared hard at Damon but eventually lowered the gun.

"You wanna tell me why I find one of my closest friends in a town infested with supernatural creatures where she is actually defending them?"

You laughed and jumped in his arms, "If it isn't Dean freaking Winchester!" you laughed as he wrapped his arms around you."

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