imagine 21 :- DAMON

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This one was also requested by infinitybrittany!!


Being the youngest among three siblings had its own pros and cons. Being the baby of the family, you are always loved and protected. But when you parents died in a tragic accident, everything kinda fell apart. Your eldest sister, Elena had gone into her own shell and your brother had taken the help of the drugs. The things were same and pretty much depressive to be honest until a certain blonde beauty made his way into your sister's life. Stefan Salvatore is the perfect gentleman and the best boyfriend ever, well at least according to Elena.

She got busy with Stefan and your brother got busy with Vicky, Matt Donovan's sister. After Vicky's sudden disappearance, another girl named Anna came into his life and well, you became pretty much non-existent for everyone. Matt and Tyler did spend some time with you but they were not really your friends, they did that just because you were Elena's little sister.

Then another handsome hunk made an appearance, Stefan's older brother, Damon Salvatore. You had always thought that the guy was pretty handsome; with his blue eyes and his sharp jawline, you couldn't avoid falling for him. But it didn't really matter. For as soon as the guy came into town, he was in a relationship with Caroline and even after that, there was this other girl, a journalist maybe, named Angie and then another girl. Rose, was it? You didn't know and you honestly didn't want to care.

Two years had passed since the guys first came to Mystic Falls. In these two years, you found out a lot of things. You found out that the Salvatore brothers are vampires, Tyler is a werewolf, your brother is some sort of a vampire hunter and your sister also is a vampire. Caroline also became a vampire and Bonnie is a witch. Seems cool, right?

Not really, not when everyone around you is supernatural creatures and you are just a mere human.

Thinking about it all made you feel very emotional. All of them went on those super risky missions and you had to stay home all the time worrying about them and just hoping that all of them make it home alive. Your crush on Damon was another thing. When the guy came here, you were crazy about him. You had this insanely huge crush on him and either he had no idea about it or he just didn't care enough to do anything about it, most probably the latter.

You couldn't even remember how many times he had told you to stay out of it and that you couldn't help them in any way and just increased their problem while coming in between them. For example, the time when Kol kidnapped you and used you as bait to get to Klaus; Klaus had this little crush on you and Kol made sure that he used that fact to make sure that Klaus paid for daggering him. It was Damon who had saved you from Kol's clutches and the conversation that followed wasn't really pleasant.

"What the hell were you thinking going out with Kol?!" Damon demanded as he closed the door to the boarding house after pushing you inside.

"I wasn't thinking! That much is clear, isn't it?" You said and rolled your eyes.

"Y/N, I am holding on to my sanity by a thin thread that could break any second. So stop being a smartass for once and answer my damn question." He said through greeted teeth and you were a little scared.

You sighed, "Look. I just wanted a friend okay? Kol seemed like a good friend at that time." You already saw that Damon was about to speak so you raised his hand asking him to stop, "I know now that it was a wrong decision..."

"Wrong?" He scoffed, "Try stupid."

"...but I am sick and tired of being held back. I thought he could tell me where Klaus was so that I could tell you. I just wanted to help." You muttered the last part and Damon just chuckled.

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