imagine 14 :- DAMON

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"Do you think I look fat in this dress?" Elena asked as she stood in front of the mirror inside your Whitmore dorm room. You and Elena were in the room dressing up for some party. You already had your dress ready in your closet. Damon had gifted it to you and you had absolutely loved it. You guys had been dating for a few months only but Damon had had a little crush on you from the very time he first laid eyes on you, though you didn't know about it.

"No, you look perfect." You said with a smile.

"Yeah. I don't know... I always had Damon tell me if I'm looking good enough but then we broke up and he started..." You could see her eyes become wide as she trailed off.

She had said that completely unintentionally. But it didn't lessen the pain. Her tone made it completely clear that she regretted letting Damon go.

"Y\N I..."

"No Elena it's okay, you dated the guy and we both know how incredible he actually is so... It's okay, really. I'm not hurt or angry."

She just smiled and turned around to do something, knowing that saying something more will make it even more awkward. The next time when she turned to face you, she found you standing near the door with your bag.

"You're leaving?" She asked surprised, you were supposed to go the party together where you meet with Damon and Enzo before entering the party.

"Yeah, um... Enzo texted. He wanted to meet up to discuss something." yotu said with a smile hurried off before she could stop you again.

Going out, you went straight to Matt's house. The guy had been your best friend all your life.

When you rang the bell, it suddenly hit you that he's most probably in the grill. Sighing, you turned around but the door opened and you are greeted by Matt himself.

"Y\N. What are you doing here?" He asked. You just stood there looking at him as your eyes watered. You felt stupid. I mean, okay, your boyfriend's ex girlfriend is your best friend's ex girlfriend and also your good friend.

Seeing your tears, Matt immediately pulled you in for a hug. He brought you inside his house and made his special hot chocolate for you before sitting down with you on the couch.

You took a sip of the drink and he rubbed your back soothingly.

"You wanna tell me what's wrong?" He asked and you sniffed.

"It's stupid."

"It's never stupid if it's bothering my best friend." He said giving you a side hug and making you smile.

"It's just I um... I'm worried about my grades." You said biting you lip. This was the worst excuse ever. You couldn't believe you just said that!

"Okay..." He said but it sounded more like a question.

"It's just that, they are all vampires. They can compel there way through life. I'll need a good job and for that I'd need marks. Ugh I'm losing my mind!" You said tugging at your hair.

"Hey hey, Y\N. Calm down. It'll be okay. Maybe you can just take some rest before the party. I'm gonna call Damon and tell him to pick you up from here." He smiled at you and kissed your cheek. Smiling, you just nodded and went up to where you knew the guest room was in his house.

In the evening after you were dressed and done with your make up and hair, you did in front of the mirror. You found yourself comparing your body to Elena's. She was on the skinny side while you were a little bit curvy. You were not fat that but thought always bothered you.

You took one last look at yourself and walked downstairs when you heard the bell ring.

"... I don't know what though." You heard Matt's voice.

"I see." You heard Damon too just as you stepped into the room. Both the guys looked at you wide eyed. Matt smiled after a while but Damon was still staring at you like he saw you for the first time.

"Y\N, you look fabulous." He said kissing your cheeks as you blushed.

Bidding goodbye to Matt as he was coming late, you two set off for the party.

When you reached the venue, Elena and Enzo were already standing there, both of them looking fabulous.

"Hey." Damon greeted them giving a hug to Enzo and one to Elena then.

"Don't you look beautiful." Enzo said as he gave you a hug.

The whole party consisted of Stefan and Caroline whispering to each other, enzo flirting with a random girl, Bonnie talking to some witch, and Elena, Damon and you sitting together.

Elena kept touching Damon's arm and he kept smiling at her. You knew Damon wouldn't cheat on you but that didn't mean that you liked the interaction that was happening between them. You stood up and walked away from them but none of them even noticed.

You were standing at one side with a glass of wine in your hands when Enzo approached you.

"Why are you standing here all alone love?" He asked.

"Nothing. I'm just, I needed some time alone I guess." You sighed.

"You know he loves you right?" He asked and you looked at him surprised, he chuckled, "What? I've been alive for now than a hundred years Y\N. I know when something's bothering someone." He smiled.

You smiled too and excused yourself before walking to Damon again.

"Hey, where have you been?" He asked as you sat beside him again. Elena was not there this time.

"Just elsewhere." You shrugged.

"I love you." He said and you looked at him, "I know what's been bothering you all day." He smiled.

"You do?"

"Y\N. I am with you because I love you. I don't care if Elena's more skinny. It's you for me. You are prefect the way you are. Don't ever doubt yourself babe." He said.

A tear slid down your cheek and you sniffled again.

"I love you too, Damon. God, I love you so much!" You said and he pulled you in for a kiss.

After quite a long kiss, it was Matt's voice, "I'm guessing this couldn't wait till you two were inside your room." He said as he sat in the other chair.

"Oh shut up, Donovan. Let me kiss my girlfriend in peace." He groaned and you chuckled.

"I just don't wanna see my best friend sharing saliva with a dead person." Matt smirked.

"You're just jealous that a dead, a hundred and seventy something year old man is more handsome and sexier than you." He smirked too and Matt scoffed.

You smiled at the two as their bickering continued. Even if Matt didn't like Damon much, they behaved in a civilized manner for your sake. This is what you need, one happy day with your boyfriend and best friend. All thoughts about Elena left your mind after remembering what Damon said and you kissed him again.

"What was that for?" He asked giving you another sexy smirk.

"I just love you. A lot." You said giving him a hug and he wrapped his arms around you tightly.

"I love you too, baby." He said and you smiled with your eyes closed.

Matt smiled looking at the two of you. He hated how Damon behaved at times but he treated you with love and respect so he was okay with you two, in fact, he preferred you with Damon than anyone else. He nodded at Damon who nodded back at him.


Surprise!!! This chapter was also requested by infinitybrittany. Girl you've been supporting me from the very beginning of starting this book. I just want to thank you for the constant support and hearing me rant about TVD. Lots of love ❤❤

Okay so I have one more Damon request and then I'll be moving on to others characters for a while before coming back to Damon again.

Please guys keep voting and commenting and do share the story.

Also I'm taking requests for characters of TVD and the originals as well. So please send me requests. Love you guys!! ❤❤

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