imagine 34 :- KLAUS

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Hehe Surprise!!!


You were just chilling in the Mystic Grill with Damon and Alaric. Both of these men were still discussing about how they were gonna deal with this original doppelganger named Silas. They also keep talking about another guy, an original, named Klaus who also wants something from them, a cure apparently. That name caused your heart to skip a beat suddenly and you had no idea why, it's not like you knew him. So to avoid these unknown feelings which made you very confused, you decided to join these men on their meeting to make a master-plan.

"You know if you are just gonna stay and drink and not contribute, why not just join Caroline or maybe even Bonnie?" Damon said as he rolled his eyes and took his drink.

You put your glass down and leaned on the table on your elbows and then looked Damon in the eye, "No offense to Caroline, but she seems to be stuck on Tyler for now. And Bonnie? I'm sorry, but no?" you smirked and leaned back again, making Damon sigh.

"A 900 year old vampire who decides to just sit and drink... how lucky are we to have that?" Damon murmured making you even more amused. It had always amused that you were the only person Damon couldn't annoy, and this is also one of the main reasons for the others to like you, especially Alaric.

Damon and Alaric continue on their planning and you listen to them, occasionally pointed out to them the ten ways from which they can die if they go on with the plans, when you see a certain individual walking towards the table you guys were at.

Alaric was sitting beside you so the man just slides in the seat beside Damon, all the while, his eyes were locked on you. But then he smirked and turned to look at Damon as he spoke. But you couldn't make out of what he was saying, you were confused out of your mind and you had no idea about why you felt so hurt by the way this person looked at you. Damon announced his name to be Klaus and now that you associated his face with his name, there was some sort of connection; it felts like this man, whom you couldn't even recognise, meant a lot to you. You just took the last sip of your glass and left before saying anything to them, you could feel the three pairs eyes following you but you didn't pay any heed.

A few nights later, you were in your room just getting ready to go to bed when you find two men standing in your room like they owned the place. One of them was in a suit while the other one was in a simple T-shirt. You gave them a tight-lipped smile, refusing to show them that they intimidated you in anyway.

"How may I help you gentlemen?" you asked and the taller guy looked a little sceptical. The other one just sighed and walked up to you.

You were creeped out a bit but remained quiet trying to understand what was happening. The man in the suit stepped in front of you, too close, he put one of his palm on your cheek and looked straight in your eye, the intensity with which he looked at you made you hold his eyes as he whispered just one word, "Remember."

Suddenly your breath got caught in your throat held your chest, it was like a barrier was lifted from your minds and you were having these visions. It felt like these visions were always there, as these were more memories than visions and suddenly, it was like an episode from your own life was playing in front of you.

Year :- 1103

"Pack your bags, Love. We gotta go now." Niklaus said as you sat up on the bed surprised, the sheets wrapped around your body.

"What?" you asked confused. She looked at Niklaus hurrying through the room. When he didn't answer, you asked again, "Niklaus! What is happening? Where are we going?"

Niklaus just looked at you before throwing your clothes at in the bag as he started rummaging through the room for anything he had missed. While you got dressed, you noticed how worried Niklaus looked. His eyes were wide and he was sweating a lot. Just as you were dressed again, a frantic knock sounded on the door. Niklaus jerked and looked at the door with shock and he looked utterly terrified. He gulped and took a wooden stick on his arm.

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