imagine 25 :- KOL

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Hey Guys!! The next part is up. I am sorry for the late update but I hope you guys like it!

This one was requested by soft-for-mochi. I hope you like it and I am really sorry for the long wait you had to endure.


Quietly sitting on a corner of the Rousseau's, you had observed as the two witches kept whispering to themselves about something. That was the first time you had seen Kaleb, Kol to be accurate. Kol was moving his hands around animatedly and Davina kept looking at him intently. Kol was like a witchcraft teacher to Davina. He taught her all the small and big things he learned from Esther, all of which the little witch eagerly absorbed.

The guy was handsome, you had to admit it, but there was this aura of sadness around him. He seemed like he didn't have a care in the world but you could see that something was bothering him, and from the looks of it, it had been for a long time. Even looking from the far distance away, you could tell that Kol had a guard up. You had heard that Kol and Davina had become good friends over the span of time they spent together and he still had his guard up. Kol, while talking, had felt your stare and had turned to look at you but you had turned away abruptly as soon as his eyes met yours. Your cheeks had tinted red and your heart had skipped a beat.

"What the hell!" Was your first thought when that happened. That was something you had never felt before and never wanted to. After the way your past relationship ended, you were not at all eager to enter another relationship. Your ex had shaken you up pretty badly. That relationship had been toxic for you, draining out every ounce of confidence from you, leaving you broken and sad from everything that you lost as a result of it. It had been a year and the memories of it still bothered you.

Kol, on the other hand, had taken a liking towards you. Just like you had felt his guards, he felt your insecurities and fear. He wanted to get to know you, for you to let him in and help you through the hard times. But so did you. You also wanted him to allow you to help.

A few times after that, you two had talked, it wasn't something too deep but good enough to at least consider the two of your friends. You had tried speaking to him. It was too soon though, he wasn't even sure if he could talk to you about everything that had bothered him for centuries. But then when you brought it up, it was like a red signal went up in his head. He immediately withdrew back into his shell and started pushing you away.

Another time he tried to talk to you, to tell him about why you were so closed off. You wanted too, you actually for once felt that you could share everything you thought with him but you didn't. You couldn't do it. You couldn't bring yourself to speak the words you hadn't said for so long. 'I am hurting.' Three little words yet so hard to say it out loud...

"What are you doing here, love?" You jumped and turned to the side to find Kol sitting beside you with a smirk that seems to be permanently drawn on his face.

"What do you think people do in a library?" You said back and he smirked wider.

"Feeling a bit grouchy, love?"

You sighed, "What do you want, Kol?"

"You really wanna know that?" He asked seriously making me look up from the book and at him. When I nodded without saying anything, he continued, "I want you to let me in." He said and you instantly stilled. He noticed you getting stiff and looked up at you.

Sad. His eyes were dull and his face had fallen. But why was he sad? He didn't know anything about you and you made sure to take vervain so that that family couldn't use their compulsion on you.

"What are you saying?" You asked quietly.

"I can see Y/N. something happened to you and it has been bothering you. You think I wouldn't notice?"

"And what makes you think that I am willing to share details of my life with you?" You asked as you squinted your eyes at him.

"Well, I can just compel you..." He smirked.

"Can you?"

His smirk slipped off and he narrowed his eyes at you while you held his gaze. It didn't take him another second to realise you are on vervain. "What are you so afraid of?"

"I could ask you the same question." He looked at you confused and you continued, "What? You think I didn't notice how you always hide everything behind that happy facade? I am not blind, Kol. Yes, I see that you enjoy your time with Davina, though I'm not sure if it is because you like her or because it is magic you are discussing with her. I notice how you help your family but you still have that lonely expression even when you are with them. What are you so afraid of? Why cannot you share what has been bothering you for years?" You asked. You hated how he refused to open up but kept on pestering you to do the same.

"How did..."

"I find out? Unfortunately for you, I am a very observant person." You said and turned to go find another book.

"Hey, I am not done talking yet, love..." He said.

"Do I look like I care?"

"Why are you being like this?" He asked confused.

"I am not being like anything, Kol!" You laughed, "You cannot expect me to open up when you keep everything about yourself a secret!"

"And what if I tell you everything?" He asked and you scoffed.

"As if..."

"I am serious, love. If me revealing secrets would ensure you trust me I am ready to do that. I have been living with secrets for a long time to know how it affects us. It will eat you up from the inside. I can help you out, Y/N. You just have to let me." He whispered softly.

"I can't." You croaked, "I cannot trust easily. I..."

"Hey..." He said and cupped your face, surprisingly for yourself, you let him too, "I know, love. Take your time, I am right here. I am not leaving you, ever." He kissed your forehead.

"Why?" You sniffed, "No one cared, why would you all of a sudden?"

"Isn't it obvious?" He chuckled, "I am infatuated with you, Y/N. I don't know yet if it is love or not, but, there is no doubt that I am attracted to you. It is like I am addicted to your smile, I always crave that beautiful smile and how your eyes light up when you smile. I thought it was clear from all the stolen glances but I guess it wasn't."


"I want to help you, love. And in return, I will let you help me. But please, do not push me away, I cannot take that, not again." He said and hugged you tightly.

You were too shocked to react for a few seconds, but then you did. You wrapped your arms around the broken guy and allowed yourself to melt in his hold.

His arms were like a safe haven for you. For once, you felt like everything would be alright. It was peaceful. You finally accepted to yourself that you liked the notorious original. A genuine smile graced your slips when you felt that yes, things would become good again.


Yeah... that was it. Was it Okay? I was a bit confused with this one. I hope you guys liked it anyway though :)

Send me requests if you have any. Requests are always accepted :)

Love you, Guys!! <3

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