imagine 4 :- DAMON

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Okay, so I didn't plan about this happening. I have an important exam on Thursday and I still find myself writing these. I just can't stop.

So this imagine was actually requested by infinitybrittany and this chapter is dedicated to her.


Being invisible in a town like Mystic Falls can actually be a good thing, but only if you are not in love with a certain badass vampire. However, that was exactly what Y\N's life was like. You were a sweet and shy girl who normally kept to herself. You weren't one to brag about anything and even found it hard to express your emotions at times. But love wasn't something that is easy to hide.

Damon Salvatore was the man of your dreams. He was tall, handsome, had a good sense of humour, knew how to love and how to get someone drunk off his love. You lived close to Elena and her two best friends. Although you guys have had small conversations here and there, you were not really close. You usually stayed quiet and were very observant. Your observant nature had allowed you to know a lot of things that you weren't supposed to know. Like you know about Damon and his brother Stefan being vampires. You knew that Caroline too had become a vampire and that Bonnie was a witch. You also knew that Damon cared for Elena. His 'I don't give a damn about anything' attitude fooled a lot of people but you certainly didn't fall for it.

You didn't hate Elena or had any hard feelings for her. Love couldn't be forced on anyone and you knew that. Elena was dating Stefan and looked exactly like a girl the Vampire brothers dated in the 1800s.  So you understood their concern for her.

What you didn't understand was why would the invincible vampire brothers need your help to protect Elena. So imagine your shock when the elder brother approached you for help.

You were returning home from college when Damon walked to you.

"Hey, Y\N right?" He asked giving you his signature smirk which instantly melted you. You were finding it hard to reply to him as your eyes looked into his, trying to find his darkest secrets and deepest desires.

It was only when Damon cleared his throat that you finally found your voice and spoke up.

"Um... Yeah." You whispered shyly.

"Hi, I'm Damon Salvatore." He said and extended his hand forward for a handshake.

"I know." You said and shook his hand.

"You know?" Damon asked as he raised an eyebrow with an impressed look.

"Yeah... I mean, I have seen you around. You are Stefan's brother, right?" Much, much more than just a classmate's brother, you thought.

"Yeah. That I am." He said and it looked like he was thinking about something.

"So... "

"Yeah right. I... Actually we needed your help."

"In?" You asked and he scratched the back of his neck.

"About that...  Let's go to my house? Elena and my brother are also there and you have known her for a long time so I think you'll be more comfortable there." He said and you nodded.

He led you to his car and offered to drive you there to which you hesitantly nodded.

In the car, you talked about a lot of things. Damon asked you about yourself and got to know that you loved reading. Your interests also included singing and dancing. You also told him about your addiction to Harry Potter and One direction and well, this is Damon we are talking about. Everybody knows how much he hated witches and wizards. But the way your eyes lit up while talking about it brought a smile to his face.

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