imagine 17 :- JEREMY

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 It's been really long but I have been so busy!!!

I wish I could have updated sooner though... Anyway, enjoy!!


"No! Don't fight for her! Let those beasts have her! She ran away from you. I swear she's so stupid. This poor soul fighting three huge dinosaurs for her and she effing ran! Unbelievable!" You said as you threw your hands up. You were so angry with everything that was happening in the movie and yet you couldn't move your eyes from the screen.

"Hah! Swinging from the mountain to that... is that a lizard or a dinosaur? Whatever, that beast's lips. I still can't believe she ran... Ran! Why would she run from him?"

Because he is a huge beast in front of her and is also pretty scary, to be honest?

"...Okay... but still! He kept saving her from the very beginning!"

You were watching this movie after a long time... years maybe. So the emotions were all over the place. Honestly, you have no idea why you get so emotional over this. You have cried every single time that you have seen the movie and yet it never gets old.

"NO! Why the hell do you gotta shoot at him! C'mon he's the good guy. Hit that man who brought him into the city! Ughh!" You groaned.

The movie was near the end now and you were so engrossed in it that you didn't hear the gate of the boarding house opening or the sound the floorboards were making as the person crept towards the room you were in. The person saw you sitting on the sofa with a pillow on your lap. You were leaning forwards with your nails in between your teeth.

Right now, tears were streaming down your face as the beast fell down from the top of the building. The girl was crying her heart out as another guy pulled her closer to himself. As he did so, you pulled the pillow closer to your chest and bit your lips, mentally cursing yourself for watching the end again when you had promised yourself that you would watch just the funny parts.

It was then that you heard someone clearing their throat and looked towards the door to find your boyfriend standing there looking at you amused.

"Y?N, I think you said that you won't watch King Kong again."

"I know." You sniffled, "It is just so irresistible." You said and your eyes were filled with tears again. The concern was etched clearly on his face as he sat down beside you on the sofa before pulling you on his lap.

"Baby, stop crying, please. This is just a movie." He said as he lovingly patted your back.

"Oh, God. I can't believe I did it again."

"What? Cried while watching a movie?" He asked with a smirk and you rolled my eyes.

"It's not funny." You grumbled and rubbed the tear stains.

"Yes, it is." He said and you got up to walk away. He held your hands and pulled you back towards him. He tugged you back and turned you around so that both of your chests were pressed together. You gasped and his eyes looked deep into yours making you blush. You looked down so that your hair fell forward to hide your cheeks. You didn't like it when you blushed.

He smiled and placed a finger below your chin pushing your face up to look at him. Slowly, he moved a little forward and his lips slightly pressed against yours. The kiss was a soft and gentle one, calming. But unfortunately, it didn't last long. Because in the very next second, you two jumped away from each other. The sound of the door of the house opening and banging shut was what caused it. You groaned and sat down with a pout on your lips and it was Stefan who came in with Damon and Elena right behind him.

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