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"Razzel? Hey... what did Daddy tell you in the hospital?" I asked, sitting down beside Razzel who was drawing. And she was really good. She's been spending time with Bandit and she's gotten better.

She looked up at me. "He told me that I could go home that night and that you were there."

"Anything else?"

She avoided eye contact and I could tell she was lying when she replied with a no.

"You know it's not good to lie, honey." I said.

She nodded.

I sighed and stood up, walking out. "Patrick?"

"Yes, Peter?" Patrick sounded annoyed.

"What's been up with you lately?" I asked.

Patrick walked out with a suitcase. "What?" he asked.

"Where are you going?" I asked, dreading the answer.

"I'm done, Pete. I told you that at the hospital two nights ago. I'm done." he walked into Razzel's room. "C'mon, Sweety. We're going now."

"You're taking Razzel?" I asked.

He nodded. "I can't live with you. I can't live like this knowing that you don't care!"

"I don't care? I DONT CARE? Patrick, if I didn't care, I wouldn't be here right now... if I didn't care, I wouldn't have stood by your side's and helped with everything! Tell me I don't care again, Trick. Tell me I don't care..."

"Don't call me that! You don't fucking care, Peter! You never did! You just pretended!" he yelled, tears threatening his eyes.

"I pretended!? How did I pretend... tell me, Patrick... HOW DID I PRETEND!?"


Razzel walked out and shut her door, she had a suitcase and a backpack slung over her shoulder. She didn't look at me.

"You're not taking my daughter away." I said.

"She's not just your daughter." Patrick pushed her behind him.

"Exactly. We should make this decision together... but until then... she's not leaving." I said, pulling her back.

"I wanna go with daddy." Razzel pulled away and hugged Patrick tightly.

"Fine then... just go! Leave! Both of you! If you really think I don't give a fuck about you, then GO!"

"I'm sorry, Pete." Patrick took Razzel's hand.

"No you're not! Don't fucking lie to me!"

Patrick looked down. "Alright, Sweety. Let's go."

"But what about the hearings?" I asked.

"We'll be there. We're staying in state, Peter. We're not leaving. We're going to Brendons and Dallon's."

I'm Supposed to Love You (Peterick)Where stories live. Discover now