Her Memories: Crush

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Jennie groaned. She hated Mondays, and Mondays hated her, or at least that's how she saw it.

Why would she otherwise have three morning classes, the first one starting at eight sharp?


And add to that an overenthusiastic freshman roommate to boot.

Jennie rolled away from the excited girl dancing by her bed.

"Five more minutes," she mumbled.

"But unnie, oppa is here to see you!"

"Very funny, Chaeyoung, I'm not falling for that one again."

"No really, he's in the kitchen, making you breakfast."

Jennie didn't reply. Chaeyoung huffed in frustration and went out of the room. The alarm went off a few moments later and Jennie sleepily reached out, hitting the snooze button. 

But soon, an acrid smell of burning toast filled the room. Jennie huffed and forced herself to sit up when the smell increased in intensity. Jennie swung her legs out of bed, grumbling because although her roommate meant well, she still hadn't gotten the knack of working their odd toaster.

Chaeyoung had set off the fire alarm three times since the semester started.

Jennie didn't even bother to put on a dressing robe and shuffled out of her room, running a hand through her tousled bed hair. She made her way to the source of the thick smoke, coughing.

"Yah, Chaeyoung, do you really have to...."

The words died in her throat when she spotted her boyfriend sitting comfortably on the couch as he nibbled on burnt bread. Chaeyoung handed him a mug of steaming coffee and grinned at the thunderstruck older girl standing like a statue.

"Morning babe," the boy on the couch greeted, flashing his gummy smile. He ladled a plate of buttered toast at Jennie. "I made you breakfast. Your toaster's out of whack by the way."

To say Jennie was stunned would be an understatement.  Chaeyoung watched her unnie's  jaw slacken, eyes wide and round as marbles.

The fire alarm's scream pierced the air but Jennie didn't seem to hear it.

"Yoongi? What are you doing here?" she stammered and looked as though she was about to bolt back to her room. But Yoongi was quick to stand up and catch her wrist, tugging her close to his chest.

Chaeyoung quietly slipped out of the dorm to leave them alone, secretly envious of her friend.

How she wished she'd find somebody like Yoongi one day. To have a special someone who would come over in the morning to make her breakfast and not care what she looked like... it  was so romantic. She had seen the tender expression in Yoongi's eyes when Jennie made her entrance. 

He loved her unnie very much, Chaeyoung could see that, even though Jennie had only introduced him a week ago.



 Half of the canteen turned their heads to check out who was being skinned alive. Chaeyoung spun around in her seat to wave at Lisa who was running over to her table.

"Yah, slow down you're going to trip," Chaeyoung laughed as her friend plopped herself down in her seat, slamming her tray on the surface and dropping her backpack contemptuously.

"All these lectures are killing me already," Lisa complained, "and what even is this junk they call food? More like trash. Yah, don't they know I spend every won I have on their stupid textbooks? I demand proper nourishment as recompense!"

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