Drive #2

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Jennie gunned the engine and stepped on the gas. The car jolted forward  as she shoved in the gear.

"Here we go!"

Just like that fateful day on their crazy drive to the airport, Jimin's felt himself being sucked back into the seat as the machine revved up. The breeze entering the car slapped his face, barely giving him a chance to draw in a breath.

It was as though he was on an aircraft taking off on the runway--an extremely bumpy and twisty runway. 

"Unnie I swear to good I'm not god!" Lisa groaned sluggishly as Jennie's violent turns and swerves had the back passengers banging their bodies against the doors on either side until Jimin's insides felt like a pulp.

"Well no kidding! Wear the dang seat belt!" Jennie bellowed as one of the police cars slipped up behind them.

Terrified pedestrians scrambled for cover as the car barrelled down the streets, tipping and tilting on one side precariously but Jennie kept tight hold of the wheel, chewing on her lip.

They skittered along the pavement, brushing against streetlights as Jennie swerved hard.

"Unniiiiiiiieeeeee!" Lisa yelled clinging to Jimin and the car shuddered from impact--they had grazed against the side of a stationary car.

"I said wear the dang seat belt!" Jennie snapped, cutting across a lorry's path. The driver yelled a profanity, Jennie shouted an obscenity of her own. 

Something metallic clattered and clunked behind them: Jimin glanced back to see the car's rear bumper had fallen off, completely squashed out of shape.

The police cars chasing them sped past it.

There were a total of three cars chasing them and to Jimin's dismay, they were relentless: they pursued them undeterred even when Jennie nosed the car through narrow alleyways. 

They burst out into wider roads only for their pursuers to follow. 

Jennie snarled exasperatedly. "They're a whole lot more incompetent in movies!"

"At least they're not shooting at us," Jimin said positively.

"You're not helping!"

The chaotic din made it harder to think: Hoseok was screaming like the sirens themselves, losing all his cool as the chase escalated while Lisa, quite green, had a hand clamped firmly over her mouth.

Jennie however, remained cool and unfazed despite her shouting, eyes trained on the road as though she were a veteran getaway driver.

Which in a way, Jimin supposed she was.


"Come on come on, these stupid idiots are too slow!" Jennie muttered, honking at the cars blocking their path as they zoomed past vehicles so rapidly the scenery around them turned into a smudged blur.

"Turn on the siren?" Jimin suggested. "It will help clear a path."

"Cool but which button?"

Fearing that if Jennie slammed on the brakes suddenly he'd go careening straight through the windshield, Jimin unbuckled his seat belt and hastily inched forward, pressing down on the first prominent button on the dashboard.

He fell back in his seat as a familiar loud wailing sounded overhead and Jennie cackled. "OUTTA MY WAY LOSERS!"

The effects were instantaneous: vehicles practically leapt out of their way to Jennie's utter glee, giving her free rein to slam down, pedal to metal, blazing forward with screeching tires and an equally screeching Hoseok next to her. 

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