Kiss and Make Up

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"Stupid alcohol," Lisa muttered as she swayed in a drunken haze, "stupid heels, stupid Lisa, stupid stupid stupid..."

She had somehow managed to wander away from under her friends' watchful gaze, quietly tottering away the moment they were distracted.

Although drunk, Lisa was still sober enough to notice that Chaeyoung wasn't around. With that realisation in mind, she was immediately bent on finding her friend and saving her from an unnamed danger.

In her mind, something bad happened to her chipmunk, and she'd be damned if her sweet unnie got hurt again just because she was alone and Lisa was too drunk to help.

"I'll save you Chaeyoungie," Lisa grunted as she dragged herself along the hedge," I'm coming, I'm coming...oooh pretty lights, did Jennie make these?"

She smacked into a wall of greenery and stumbled back, blinking.

A dead end. Again.

Lisa swore as she swung around in annoyance.

Was there no end to this accursed maze?

She walked back out and blindly took turns, playing eeny-miney-mo to choose the path to take.

"Not gonna lose you again Chaeyoungie," she mumbled determinedly, "if a bad man shoots you I'll just have to kill him and ask Joy to help me hide his body...easy peasy..."

She pitched back and forth like a ship rolling on a rough sea but still kept her balance.

"Whoa," she giggled as she wobbled forward. "Hey, there's no more green here, am I finally out?"

She frowned as she looked around the wide space she had discovered. A marble fountain with gentle gushing of water was situated in the centre.

And sitting on the edge of the bowl was a familiar looking couple lost in their passionate embrace.

Before Lisa could holler in shock, a hand clapped over her mouth.

"Let's not disturb them," muttered a voice in her ear before Lisa was being forcefully dragged away from the idyllic scene.

"But I wanted to see more!" she whined, her words coming out garbled because of his hand.

Suddenly, Lisa was hit by a moment of clarity.

Who was this man? She was being kidnapped!

Lisa started to thrash and kick, madly struggling in the man's firm grip as he pulled them deeper and farther into the maze.

"I'm not gonna hurt you," the man grunted.

"That's what they all say!" Lisa yelped when she managed to remove the man's hand from over her mouth. It smelled distinctly familiar, setting off a switch in Lisa's brain as she sought to solve her kidnapper's identity

"I swear I'm not...but they looked like they needed privacy," he protested, slurring his words.

At length he stopped while Lisa was still feebly kicking at his shins.

"Okay, you can go now," the man said simply and released her. He at down on the ground as Lisa peered at him.

"You're not gonna kidnap me?"

The man shrugged. In the dim glow of the fairy lights, his hair was tinged a rich coppery colour, similar to—

"You're free to go you know?" the stranger said.

"What about you?"

He shrugged. "I'm gonna watch the stars."

Lisa considered his statement for a moment before she plopped herself down next to him.

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