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After the outpouring of emotions that night, Jimin started to understand Chaeyoung's hesitation to dive headlong into their relationship.

He couldn't help but admire her resilience as she fought to keep moving and still be the same gentle loving person she had always been, without shutting her friends out.

"You know," she confided quietly, "when you were in the hospital, I often wondered if I had done the right thing—saving you I mean. Because at that time, if I had been in your place....I'm not sure I would have minded...just dying...but then again I thought about my friends, and I couldn't just leave...knowing them, they would feel terribly guilty for my death and I can't have that..."

He hugged her tightly, brushing a kiss on her forehead.

"I'm so happy you did save me," he said hoarsely, "I wouldn't have gotten to meet you otherwise".

She smiled at him. "I'm glad I did as kind of saved me too," she chuckled as she leaned against him. Jimin felt as though he was on top of the world.

"Then that's how it's going to be, okay?" Jimin told her, sitting up and facing her, holding out both of his hands. "We'll protect each other and look out for one another. I promise you, Chaeyoung."

She took his hands and intertwined their fingers together as she nodded, smiling. Her eyes moistened, brimming with emotion.

"I promise as well," she breathed.

The air between them felt charged with a strange energy. He noticed they were closer than usual, their faces mere centimetres apart. Jimin inadvertently found his gaze dropping to her mouth.

After she had bared her secrets, he felt himself more drawn to her than ever: she trusted him enough to share her painful memories. He wanted to protect her, wanted to be her fort and her sanctuary.

He badly wanted to show her how much he appreciated her. More than anything, she had been his first friend in those initial months of confusion and chaos after waking up, encouraging him and supporting him endlessly. She had been his steady rock. 

She made him feel like he could belong.

His gaze flicked up to her eyes again and he dared reach out to push some strands of her hair behind her ear. Chaeyoung turned her face into his hand, seeking his warmth as Jimin leaned in to claim her lips, summoning his last ounce of bravery as her eyes fluttered close.

It was a dreamy kiss, soft and slow and searching. Tentatively, he tilted his head to deepen the kiss and his heart swelled when she allowed him. Her velvety lips moulded perfectly with his. Chaeyoung kissed him back just as tenderly, her fingers trailing up his face to cup his jaw as his arms encircled her waist.

Finally, reluctantly, they had to pull away for air. They grinned at one another like idiots, both turning shy in a blink.

Jimin rested his forehead against hers, feeling his heart thumping against his rib cage. Her breath tickled his nose, and he gave a low chuckle which she echoed.

 He'd kissed her. And best of all, she had kissed him back.

"Chaey, I lov-"

She pressed a finger to his mouth. "Not tonight," she murmured gently, her eyes hazy. She buried her face in his chest, gathering up the fabric in her fists as she snuggled close.

And Jimin decided that for now, it was enough.


"She left work early."

His hand stilled as he wiped the counter-top. "Why?"

"She was feeling a bit unwell, no big deal, just a little—"

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