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"Well," Chanyeol said lightly after an ashen-faced Jimin bolted from the office, "he seems to have taken it....rather well."

He turned to Irene. "Summon the rest."

Soon the other Red Velvet members together with Sehun, Kai, Chen and Baekhyun congregated in the office with Chanyeol.

"Phase 1 has been kick started," Chanyeol announced and nodded at Seulgi. "Nicely done, if a tad ahead of schedule."

"My bad," Seulgi drawled. "He was getting on my nerves."

Chanyeol shook his head, amused. "I don't blame you."

"So...he's gone home now." Wendy said. 

"Affirmative. And..." Seulgi glanced at her tablet. "He's just called his little toy. The four girls are at that cafe' run by Kim Jisoo's partner."

"Your over-ride program is working like a charm, well done Yeri," Wendy patted the youngest on the head. She caught sight of Seulgi's eye roll.

"Oh come on Seul, acknowledge her achievement where it's due! If it weren't for her idea to hack and override the CCTV while we had gone to pick up Jimin last week, we wouldn't have been able to keep an eye on them there."

"Whatever!" Seulgi dismissed cattily. "Now what?"

"Now...we wait for his move..." Chanyeol mused thoughtfully.

"What about Chaeyoung?" Joy sounded concerned. "She doesn't really have anything to do with this right? She doesn't have to be involved, you said."

"What's this? Have you gone soft for her too?" Seulgi jeered. "Did you, perhaps, have wet dreams about her? What's so appealing about that spoiled crybaby brat? I'm genuinely curious."

"Seulgi, tone it down." Irene warned quietly. 

But Seulgi, usually so quick to accede to their leader, merely continued to glare at Joy.

Joy bowed her head. "It's just....observing her...they were just this really cute, sweet couple... she's a nice person Seul, and Jimin's changed, I saw it--"

"Let's see how long they remain sweet then," Seulgi retorted, "once she discovers he's not exactly Prince Charming but more like a criminal."

"Okay okay break it up ladies," Chanyeol called. "Come on now, focus. Joy, please remember on which side you're on."

She bowed, her expression grave. "I apologise...but please...Chaeyoung is innocent."

"That is up to me to decide," Chanyeol replied curtly and he rounded upon Wendy. "I read your reports concerning Jennie and Jisoo's phone conversations about me. Maybe it's time to...tie up loose ends, just in case."

"Oh boy we're going for Phase 2!" Chen squeaked excitedly as Baekhyun cracked his knuckles in approval. "I've been craving some action--"

"Oh no, I'm afraid I won't allow you buffoons to go on assignments as of yet," Chanyeol growled, "don't forget that we're here today because of your incompetence. Consider this your punishment: sit on the sidelines while the fun is happening."

"But...we've been good!"

"Yes...practically angelic!"

"No, you will not undertake any job until I say so," Chanyeol ordered, "you will, instead, get in touch with my wildcard."

Irene, Wendy, Joy and Kai flinched.

"Yeol, is it necessary to bring him out, of all people--"

"I don't recall asking for your opinion, Kai," Chanyeol said coldly. "I just want the job to be done properly the first time round."

"It's just...the wildcard can be pretty...savage..."

"Involving the wildcard...wasn't really in the plan..." Wendy muttered.

Irene looked uncertain while Joy looked downright horrified, her hand flying to cover her mouth.

Yeri looked on in confusion but Seulgi had on a wide, wide smirk.

Baek and Chen simply looked grumpy.

"Then I suppose you don't know everything as you profess to do, huh Wendy?" Chanyeol gloated, "does that get you off your high-horses, ladies?"

Wendy's mouth became a thin line, her fist clenching but then relaxing when Irene nudged her.

"Jennie and her pretty friend are smart...too smart for their own good," Chanyeol said slowly as he rested against his desk, hands in pockets. "If they're not...taken care of, they will start causing all kinds of mischief for us, and we can't have that. The sooner they're...taken care of, the better."

He picked up the cane and jabbed it in Kai's direction. "I want you to contact my wildcard instead of Chen and Baek. Tell him the names. He will take care of the rest."

Chanyeol's eyes narrowed as he waited for any form of protest, any sort of reaction, scrutinising the frozen man before him.

But, as usual, Kai's infuriatingly empty face, gave nothing away. 

I'm not done with you yet, Chanyeol scowled.

Kai turned away, heading out. "Right away...sir."

"The rest of you, observe our targets and keep me posted, especially about Jimin's movements. Chen and Baek, please assist Irene: I don't want outsiders involved for this delicate operation," Chanyeol ordered, "Dismissed."

He pulled back Sehun as the latter was filing out after the others. "A word Sehunnie, if you please."

When they were the only ones left behind, Chanyeol cupped his hand against the younger's ear.

 "Keep an eye out for Kai. "


it's a matter of balancing scenes now I guess...

hehe enjoy

and thanks for dropping by!

adios and have a good day/night!

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