Fall (Everything)

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"Oh my my," Chanyeol drawled over the girl's drawn-out cries, "is this anyway to treat your girlfriend AKA my wife?"

Jimin was still frozen with gun in hand, his mind blank, pupils dilating as he took in the scene before him.


And then like a great wave sweeping over him, the cold horrible reality gripped him tight and squeezed the breath out of him.

nononononononono NO

His girlfriend lay writhing in agony, wounded by his own hand.

His dratted reflexes....

He had sensed Chanyeol approaching and with the remaining clarity left, he managed to grab the gun he had dropped and shoot.

But he had never considered Chaeyoung in the equation, or the fact that she would jump in between them at the exact same moment that he fired.

Chaeyoung had been meaning to shield him...but he had shot her.

He shot her.

Jimin was only now letting it sink in, the crushing devastating truth throwing him into a state of panic as he flung the gun away from him and scrambled over to his girlfriend. Her face was screwed up into a harsh mask of drawn lines.

"Chim..." she wept, gritting her teeth.

He scooped her up, barely registering the pain radiating from his shoulder. His heart clenched when she gave a little cry at the sudden jarring motion when he gathered her in his arms.

"You're going to be okay, it will be okay, don't worry, sssh sssh sshh," he gabbled, running his hand feverishly over her forehead and rocking her as she cried into his chest. "I...I..."

His tongue suddenly felt too heavy to move, the strength seeping out of his body when his hands strayed down her back and found the hole—an actual pretty deep puncture in her flesh, next to her spine.

He had blown her insides to pieces, he was sure of it.

Bile rose up his throat and he fought the urge to retch and spill his guts when he brushed over the deep imprinted area, fingers coming away slick with blood.

She cried out at his touch, flinching so badly that he jumped as well.

"I'm, I'm sorry," he stuttered over her shallow gasps, "you're gonna be okay, I'll just get help, and and—"

"And just how do you plan to do that huh?"

Jimin raised his eyes, all the venom and rage rearing up within him like a cobra ready to strike. "You little—"

"Yes me," Chanyeol said with a regal toss of his head, "what? I wasn't the one to shoot her. If she dies, or gets an infection and dies, it's all your fault little brother."

"She's not dying!" Jimin snapped but he couldn't stop his voice from quivering, betraying his fear.

"Oh, have you become a psychic now as well?"

"You..." Jimin growled, making to stand up but he was stopped by Chaeyoung's faint gasping sounds.

"It...hurts..." A faint sheen of sweat had broken out over her brow as she clenched her teeth and gripped his shirt tightly. "Chim...it hurts..."

"Ssshh sshhh," Jimin settled back with her in his arms, glaring up at Chanyeol who seemed to be busy on his phone.

"Hello police? Yes I am in urgent need of your assistance right now, my little brother and my wife," Chanyeol smirked at Jimin's livid face, "seem to be stuck in a building as hostages, they are in dire peril. It would mean a lot if you could help to get them out. Maybe get a few fire engines too, that would be helpful yeah cos they're stuck in like....the seventh floor now? Yeah and the address is..."

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