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"Wish me luck with Mr. Teacher" I air quoted luck and rolled my eyes.

The guys all laughed and pushed me towards the class "Hwaiting y/n" they all put a fist in the air trying to cheer me up. Didn't work as much but I was great full they tried.

"We will wait for you outside" RM smiled and dragged the guys to sit in front of a bench. As they all stared at the door.

I took a deep breath and knocked on the door.

"Come in" I could hear the teacher say. I opened the door as quietly as possible and peeked in. There he was with his beautiful hair falling in front of his eyes and as he lifts his face up to see me and pushes his glasses closer.

"Oh, perfect y/n I was wondering if you were going to come" Mr. Park motioned me to a seat right in front of him. "Have a seat I would like to discuss something which won't take so much of your time."

I take a seat in front of his table and look at him slightly awkward. To see him after school hours and not in how he looked during class makes me slightly uncomfortable. In a good way.

"What can I be of help?" I question him trying to keep a straight face knowing that I shouldn't fall for any tricks this teacher might have up his sleeves.

"Well to begin with here you go" he hands me a cup of water in front of me and bends down staring at me.

"Thank you" I take a sip trying to think of all the different scenarios that could be going around my head. Maybe he needs help with getting adjusted? Maybe he wants help with clean-up duties? Since many of the girls and guys find him cute maybe he wants some help on how to keep them at bay?

"I need you to tutor someone." He looks at me completely serious as if he was trying to communicate something else to me.

"Umm.. who?" I leaned back in my chair and titled my head realizing that the only person failing this class, "is it RM? My friend?" I looked at him almost bursting into laughter. Out of all the people him. RM should have just asked me in general if he needed help.

"Yes, I need you to help him and I will be with you two during your tutoring sessions" I could tell Mr. Park was not as thrilled by my response.

"What will I get in exchange" I look at him almost half smirking.

"You will get A+ on any test you choose." He leaned a bit closer and I could feel my heart starting to beat. I tried to look down but the only thing was that his hands were basically already interwinding with mine.

"On second thought maybe you should ask someone else I'm sure there are many other students who wouldn't mind tutoring RM." I pulled my hands back without realizing that he pulled them back together with his.

"I want you to tutor him" I could feel his words creeping to me and making me fall for him. I tried to shake my head to not think about it.

" I won't do it" I stood up and grabbed my bag as I was ready to leave before he pulled me right into my seat and pressed himself towards me the only distance being the desk between us.

"I guess you don't want those A+ Miss. y/n" him saying my name and adding a miss to it makes it even more uncomfortable to the point that I just want to cringe. I try to hold it in, however.

Of course, I wanted the A+ but I was not going to go for extreme measures especially for Mr. Teacher here. No matter how beautiful he is I will not follow in any request of his I have my own life.

"I will get my own A+ my own way." I stared back at him showing my determination meanwhile inside I felt like I was hyperventilating because of him.

"My name is Jimin don't forget that" He pulled back and smirked at how flustered I got. He opened the door for me and turned his smile back to that angelic smile that could faze anyone.

"Okay y/n I will see you starting tomorrow for the extra credit you are being provided." He smiles and nods his head. I could tell just from the small moment we were together that if I said no I would be in trouble.

"Of course Mr.Park" I smiled and bowed before whispering, "Good luck getting me out of your case now. I will make your life miserable."

I could feel how he got slightly nervous but tried not to show it. I couldn't help but smirk and head towards the guys smiling.

"So what was that about?" The guys asked me as they stood up and stretched.

"Yeah, you took a long time." Jin grabbed my bag and carried it for me.

"It's only for the adults." I giggled as I messed all their hair and went home with them.

From the distance, I turned around and saw Jimin. His smile which was able to mesmerize me but not completely. I will show him what he messed with. No matter how cute he is or how he acts I will be stronger. Mr. Teacher let's see who wins this war. Teacher and student no way. Or can it?

Mr. Teacher [Jimin] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now