The reason

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In about a minute of looking around, I see him. With the art teacher playing a hockey game.

"Are you okay y/n?"

I could not even look at Y but I can feel the satisfaction of his voice when he spoke. I nodded and grabbed his hand.

"Did you think I would react in a different way?"

He seemed surprised and I pulled off a cocky grin and pulled him towards Jimin and the art teacher.

"Oh, Mr. Park lovely to see you with our art teacher how have you guys been?"

I smile and bowed a little causing them both to stop.



"Y/n are you sure you are okay?"

Y tries to reassure me. He looks at me in the eyes those hazel eyes that can place you into a trance. I noticed that when I held his hand he was trying to reassure me.

Even though he is trying to blackmail me he still worries. Maybe I had the wrong idea of him.

He hugs me and I feel warm not compared to Jimin's warmth but a hug I needed.

Just a few more months was all I can think. A few more months and I leave.

-end recap-

We were still at the arcade however at the corner. I could still see them from where we were but Y was trying to calm me down.

"Y/n I need to tell you something."

I looked up and he held my hand. We were a distance apart and I felt my cheeks turn a shade of pink.

My heart was beating even though I knew how I felt about him. He was blackmailing me about Jimin I cannot fall for his little tricks so easily.

"Look I know that I have been a jerk to you this past week. From the moment I entered the class, I laid eyes on you. However, I saw how you looked at Mr. Park I could not help but think you guys had something. After seeing his promise ring I thought even more that maybe you guys had a thing."

He lifts my hand and places his thumb over the ring that I still had on and smiles.

"I know that I can not be like Mr. Park nor can you forget him. If you want I will delete the video. I just wanted you to know how I felt about you."

At those words, a tear rolled down. I did not think he thought that way. From the moment I saw him, I thought that maybe he was a jerk.

However, today he showed a new face. I cupped his face in my hands and placed his forehead on mine.

"I know you did not mean harm. Let's just enjoy today."

He smiles and we continue to play the rest of the day. We did not pay attention to whether or not Jimin was there with the art teacher.

We played until dark. We went to eat some ramen at the convenience store. Since it was winter it was the perfect time for something warm.

We sat in front of the Han river and stared out.

"Why did you not say anything a week before?"

Y slurps down some noddles and then without making eye contact he sighs looking at the stars.

"I guess I thought that maybe if you and Jimin did not talk I would have a chance."

I could not help but laugh and he pouts to that.

"Ya! Why are you laughing I am being honest here."

"Ya! I am older than you what are you talking about. I found out through Lucy that your birthday is around Jungkook's birthday and even the same year."

He shuts up and then looks towards me smiling a pair of dimples and flicks my head.

"Should I call you Noona then?"

I laughed even harder and shook my head continuing on my ramen. He bought some hot chocolate and we were outside for even longer.

"Why are you not with Jimin even after I told you that it was a mistake?"

Now it was my turn to come out with the truth. He trusted me by telling me his reasons I guess it is my turn. I do not know my own reason and yet what Jungkook says rings in my head.

"I guess I do not want to hurt him."

I sigh as the cold air freezes my nose. If it was not because of the cold I would say the reason I am red is that of the alcohol. Taking a sip of the chocolate I frown looking down not knowing how to continue.

"I am leaving. My parents have already purchased the ticket for myself. I am going abroad for a year. A college has accepted me and they thought it would be a good opportunity to finish off there."

I can not afford to look at Y and I stood up stretching and turning towards him.

"This stays between us. I still have not told Jimin and I do not think it is time."

He nods and cleans up the food and we head towards the car. Once I arrived home I unbuckled my seat and was about to head out.


I turn towards him and he looks at the steering wheel before looking back towards me.

"I think you should tell him. At least before the school year ends. We have only 4 more months."

I nod and get out heading towards the front door and look back.

He lowers the window and winks before driving off. I headed inside and saw all of the guys there.

Yoongi, Hoseok, Jin, Namjoon, Jungkook, and Taehyung.

They stood up at the moment I walked in and they smiled.

"Did you have fun?"

Namjoon walked towards me and I hugged him. I started bawling my eyes out. I thought that after have teared up in front of Y I would feel better.

I did not realize I was cooping in all of these emotions. The guys all walked towards me and hugged me. We stayed downstairs talking for a long time. By the time Jin and Namjoon left Yoongi and Hobi where sleeping on the couch.

"You are coming tomorrow to school right?"

Jin grabs my hand and I nod sending them off home. Taehyung and Jungkook went to sleep early so they were not here anymore.

I placed a blanket over the other two and heard Hoseok whisper.

"He left you a letter upstairs."

I did not understand what he meant so I headed towards my room.

There at my desk was a letter.

To my Kissable y/n

From Park Jimin

-to be continued-

Mr. Teacher [Jimin] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now