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"Why did you not tell me he was blackmailing you at the time?"

I pouted and then looked around the hallway. Nobody is here. Our school has zero cameras in the hallway.

I did something I was not supposed to do. I closed the door to his classroom and the hallway. He seemed slightly surprised. I kissed him. Right there. Right then. I felt all my emotions pour out. I started crying. I cried while kissing him. He grabbed my waist and pressed me this time against the wall.

A teacher seeing us? Who cares. I was not going to lose this chance to be with Jimin. I loved him. I was going to leave to who knows where I want to be with Jimin at least to the last of it.

"Y/N don't do that shit ever again."

I smile trying to not let my tears flow anymore and nodded. My face was probably red. My eyes definitely were swollen.

I looked at Jimin and I noticed that even his lips were swollen. I gave him a final peck.

"We will talk after school...right?"

I smirk a little and he nods kissing my forehead first going to the bathroom. I checked myself on my phone and let out a sigh before going inside.

"I take it all went well and you do not want to tell me."

Seong-Yoon smiles and points towards my lips who I knew were slightly swollen. He handed me his phone and nodded.

"I will not be needing this anymore you can delete it. Having you happy and as my friend is better than having you as a girlfriend and sad."

I smile and pat his head deleting the video. I handed it back and a few moments later Jimin came back in the class started and I was finally able to pay attention and he once in a while kept looking back towards us and smiled.

It's going to be March...just a few more months until I leave...a few more months until I do not see him for a year.

Can I manage? He will still be here, right? Jimin you will not leave me, right? My friends, will they still be here when I come back? Am I going to come back?

-end recap-

I felt nervous as I stood outside his classroom. The class already ended but to not see him outside the school I decided to make it seem as if I need to ask him a 'question' regarding school.

"Ah y/n what are you doing here?"

The art teacher approaches me and I felt suddenly flustered. Sure she was immensely beautiful. Like even fellow students talked about her. 

I smiled as widely as I could.

"Oh, I am waiting for Mr. ask him something."

She looks at me with a sympathetic look. 

"I guess I really did lose...take care of him."

She sighs and continues walking away. I look towards her back. Does she know? I bowed 90 degrees.

"Thank you! I promise I will take care of him."

I felt the tears choke on my throat and felt my face smile so much. She turned back around and smiled. She looked so professional. I can imagine...the pain she is going through. 

She saw the man she someone else. She gave up on him for me. She was red. She was trying to hold back tears. She turned back around and exited the building.

"Ah y/n what are you doing?"

Jimin finally comes out with his bag in his arm. I look at him. I walked towards him and grabbed his cheeks. 

They are real...this is real. I really am with him right now. It is not a joke. He smiles and flicks my head.

"That hurts y/n!"

He grabs my bag and heads outside. I look at him and I stop before taking another step out.

"Are you sure you are okay with the school seeing us together?"

He wraps his arm around me and smiles.

"I would not want it any other way."

We walked out some people were still there and looked at us. Some were whispering. Others were in oh and awe.

Once we made it inside his car he drove. He drove to his place. I have never been here. His place is so clean. It looked almost as if nobody lived here. After a few minutes, I heard a bark and a puppy came rushing towards us. 

He jumped on Jimin and Jimin started petting him. I placed my things on his couch and looked at the puppy and then at him.

"You guys are so similar."

I could not help but laugh and start petting the puppy. He continues to stare at me as I petted him.

"Is everything alright am I petting him wrong?"

I look up at him and he plants a kiss on me. I take a step back and place my hands over my lips. His lips I kissed them a few hours ago and yet I felt as if this was our first kiss.

Soft and tender.

I looked at the puppy. He was looking at both of us. I placed him down and took a step closer. 

"This time I took the step."

He smiles and grabs my waist pulling me closer. Was I ready? I do not know. But did I love him? Yes. I knew he loved me too. I wanted to be with him.

I unbuttoned his shirt. Halfway there I looked up he nodded and even helped me in them. He lifted me and went towards his room. He looked at me this time and placed his forehead on mine.

He closed his eyes and sighed.

"I can't believe this is really happening."

I kiss his forehead and smile.

"I am just happy to be with you."

He took off my shirt and I could tell you the rest. But you already know. I kissed him and he kissed me. I felt as if I needed more of him. Every kiss made me want more.

"Y/n are you sure?"

He looked at me and I nodded. 

(*cough cough* not going to go into details but yeah they did it...if you guys want some juicy details...then yeah they did not want to be reported so all you have is this...)

-a few hours later-

My eyes opened and I tried to move around but felt a grip around me. I looked at the hand and who it belonged to.


I turn around to face him I place my hand to his cheek. He was still sleeping. His hair is all messy. I caressed his cheek and his eyes opened slowly.

"Ah, you are awake."

He smiles and wraps his other arm around me. He brings me closer to his chest. I can feel his heartbeat. I head a few scratches on the door and so I tapped his shoulder.

"You go let him in."

He releases me and so I bring the puppy in. He jumps on the bed and cuddles next to Jimin. He starts petting him and I get back into the bed.

"So when are you leaving for the other college?"

I felt surprised but knew that this conversation was going to come up soon.

"Before school ends most likely towards the end of May and beginning of June."

He stays silent and simply nods.

"Guess we should enjoy it till the day comes."

He smiles and plays with my hair. I look into those eyes of him and form a smile nodding.

"I guess we should."

-to be continued-

Mr. Teacher [Jimin] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now