Love Letter

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"Well, I should tell you guys later." I wink at them and they smirk at each other causing him to blush even more.


Jin runs towards Namjoon and hugs him. I am happy seeing them happy. Even though Jimin and I can not do that yet we look at each other and smile.

"So all said and done my best friends are happy." Yoongi holds Hobi hand and walk towards the car.

"I will see you at your place later let me know how it goes." He squeezes my hand one last time and heads towards his car. I wave and he waves back going inside.

"Taehyung we have to talk when we get home."

He nods looking slightly concerned and I make him give me a piggy back ride to the car.

How will I tell him that he has an admirer? At least my friends are happy now I just need to tell Taehyung.

-End Recap-

"Text me later y/n" Namjoonie smiles and closes the car door. 

I nod and say bye to the guys as we head in.

"Noona what did you want to talk about?" 

Taehyung asked as he sat down and Jungkook went to the workout room. 

Of course.

"So...Taehyung my dear younger brother."

I squish his cheeks and he seemed even more awkward than ever.

"You scare me sometimes." 

We both laugh and then I pull out the letter from my backpack.

"What is that?"

I smiled and tried to not act awkward.

"From your secret admirer."

He rolls his eyes and grabs it.

"It's not really a secret when it has their name in the front. This is from Lucy she is in my English class."

"You take English !?"

He nods and laughs while opening the letter.

"Wait should you be doing this in front of me?"

I press the letter towards him and he shrugs. He is either really oblivious or just really does not care. He seemed like he got these types of letters a lot. Is it that I did not notice? I mean I always did see his garbage filled with crumpled paper. 

"Why not Noona you need to help me in responding to her."

He starts reading the letter and honestly I have never heard such sweet words.

It went like this:


Hi! I am in your English class. You are what every girl wants to date. I sit behind the class and you sit beside me. I always wonder if you notice me? I always tried to talk to you but the words do not come out. Your noona is in my Literature class and she seems so nice. I decided that I would not be able to give you this letter straight in person so I decided to give it to her. 

Taehyung I like you. I have spent the last 3 years in your English class and now as we are near the middle of the school year I wanted to tell you that I liked you. The way you smile it brightens up my whole life. Even if you do not know me as well when I feel down you lift me right up. 

That day I fell while playing soccer you helped me up. My friends all tell me that you probably have high expectations and that I do not reach them...I still have faith though that maybe you feel the same way I do. 

Mr. Teacher [Jimin] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now