Truth be told

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I saw his letter lying in front of my desk. I did not want to open it. When did he come here? Why did nobody tell me except when Hoseok was sleeping.

I looked at the letter. It was a simple white envelope. A letter was inside that was for sure. I kept fiddling with the letter in my hand and finally decided to open it.

"To my dear y/n...that sounds cringy right?"

The start already makes me laugh. I did not know what to expect but all I knew was that this was going to be a funny letter.

"Y/n I love you... every time I see you I fall more in love with you. I see you laughing with the guys and Lucy and I want to be there with you guys. I wonder if I was just a student would things be different...after hanging out with the art teacher I realized that nobody can make me feel the same way you do. I understand that maybe I have not been acting the best boyfriend ever. That guy flirting with you and then you go on a date with him. Especially after he kissed you. I felt furious."

I looked up just to remember when that happened and when he did not even let me speak or explain. I could not help but let out a chuckle and shake my head looking back at the paper.

Almost done.

"I know that you have your own reasons for wanting to do what you are doing. You are sending me mixt signals though. I do not understand what is happening. This month you have been acting weird. It's soon going to be March and as the school year ends I think about how much you have changed. Trust me in a good way. You don't let yourself get bossed by others. However, one thing that is still the same is that you think you have to carry on all those struggles on your own. Just know that I still love you and want to be beside you. Y/N I love you.."

I felt the tears sting my eyes and held the letter towards my chest. I did not know he felt like this. He always hid his emotions. I thought whether or not it would be correct to ask him. I looked at my agenda and say how May was circled.

I decided to confront him on the week that followed. 

I saw him there waiting in front of the classroom waiting for the students to go inside the class. The moment we made eye contact I looked down. I was thinking of the million ways I can tell him.

Hey I am leaving...No too straightforward

Sooo I sorta might leave somewhere...Ahh too not straightforward

I am leaving for one year to another

"Ah y/n what are you doing just standing in the middle of the hallway you might as well just let yourself be pushed."

I heard a laugh and saw Y come towards me and placed his arm around me. I looked up and saw a look of hurt in Jimin's eye. I looked back down not wanting to see his expression... 

Y looked at him and then at me he then pinched my cheeks.

"You should just tell him straightforward for all we know he might already know."

He smiles and even though I was not in the mood I nodded and flicked his forehead walking into the classroom with him.

"Unnie is he nice now?"

Lucy whispers clearly still audible my Y since he sat behind me. I nodded and looked back towards him.

"I do not like calling you Y I will start calling you Seong-Yoon...can I?"

He feels slightly flustered and I felt that his cheeks turn a light shade of pink. He nods and smiles a cheeky smiley showing all his teeth.

"Seong-Yoon-Oppa..can I also call you that?"

Lucy smiles and he also nods. Namjoonie comes a few minutes later and looks exhausted. Lucy nudges my arm and I could not help but smirk.

"Namjoonie why so tired?"

He lifts his head up and shakes his head slamming it back down. Lucy shrugs and giggles to herself while Seong-Yoon taps my shoulder myself turning 90 degrees.

"Is he okay?"

I nod and turn back around writing on a note.

He probably is upset Jin did not want to do anything last night. *Wink Wink*

I handed it behind and he starts laughing grabbing the whole classes attention. Since class still did not start...nobody cared. Jimin, however, was staring at us. 

"Y/n may I speak to you...outside."

The whole class did the oooo sound and I rolled my eyes giving the others a thumbs up. They all placed their hands in fists and cheered silently. 

"May I help you Mr.Park?"

He leans against the wall. Was he doing this on purpose!! He looks so tempting. I just want to kiss him. I want to tell him how much I missed him. I want to tell him everything that I have gone through.

"Seong-Yoon told me...the whole truth."

My eyes widen. I look back inside the classroom and I saw him smile and nod. I did not know whether I wanted to kill him or hug him. Maybe I can do both?

"Why did you not tell me he was blackmailing you at the time?"

I pouted and then looked around the hallway. Nobody is here. Our school has zero cameras in the hallway. 

I did something I was not supposed to do. I closed the door to his classroom and the hallway. He seemed slightly surprised. I kissed him. Right there. Right then. I felt all my emotions pour out. I started crying. I cried while kissing him. He grabbed my waist and pressed me this time against the wall. 

A teacher seeing us? Who cares. I was not going to lose this chance to be with Jimin. I loved him. I was going to leave to who knows where I want to be with Jimin at least to the last of it. 

"Y/N don't do that shit ever again."

I smile trying to not let my tears flow anymore and nodded. My face was probably red. My eyes definitely were swollen. 

I looked at Jimin and I noticed that even his lips were swollen. I gave him a final peck. 

"We will talk after school...right?"

I smirk a little and he nods kissing my forehead first going to the bathroom. I checked myself on my phone and let out a sigh before going inside.

"I take it all went well and you do not want to tell me."

Seong-Yoon smiles and points towards my lips who I knew were slightly swollen. He handed me his phone and nodded.

"I will not be needing this anymore you can delete it. Having you happy and as my friend is better than having you as a girlfriend and sad."

I smile and pat his head deleting the video. I handed it back and a few moments later Jimin came back in the class started and I was finally able to pay attention and he once in a while kept looking back towards us and smiled.

It's going to be March...just a few more months until I leave...a few more months until I do not see him for a year.

Can I manage? He will still be here, right? Jimin you will not leave me, right? My friends, will they still be here when I come back? Am I going to come back?

-To be Continued-

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