Chapter 12

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Blair's POV:

"Look, Asher, I don't want to hear some douche bag excuse. Just leave me alone!" I yell, shoving him out of my way.

"No wait! Please! Let me explain." He stops me once again.

"NO! Leave me alone!" I scream in his face. A teacher comes running down the hall towards us.

She stops in front of us breathless.

"I-is everything a-alright?" She asks, attempting to speak through deep breaths.

"No. This guy here won't stop harassing me." I say.

"Harassing you? I just want to talk." He insists.

"Could you please tell him to stay away from me?" I ask the teacher.

"Come with me, son." She says and grans his arm. She leads him towards the office and he tries to get my attention.

I ignore him completely and walk to my class. Dick deserved it.

On my way to class, a familiar voice stops me.

"Hey babe." I turn around to find Justin standing there.

"Justin. What do you want?" I ask, crossing my arms over my chest.


"Your dating Jamie."

"Actually I'm not. I broke up with her this morning."


"Cause shes a little bitch who controls people." He says. Finally, someone understands me.

He backs me up into a corner and hovers over me.

"Fake tan huh? You think this is attractive or something?" I ask him.

"Well, back in California, the girls dig it." He says.

"Wow. You are so full of yourself." I say.

"But you like it don't you?" He asks.
I bite my lip and smile.

He swoops down and kisses me, resting his hands on my hips. I, strangely, react by wrapping my arms around his neck. The sparks felt all too familiar.

But it felt good. I finally felt electricity surge through me once more.

Asher's POV:

The teacher grabbed me and pulled me to the office. Just great.

I had to sit in the counselor's office, explaining why I "harassed" Blair. I told the lady that I had "cheated" on her and that I wanted to explain what Blair thought she saw.

The counselor finally let me go after a lot of questioning.

As I was walking through the halls, I heard deep moaning sounds. I turned the corner and found Blair pushed into a corner, making out with, none other than himself, Justin.

Gross. My fists clenched into balls and my teeth grinded against one another. I tried hard not to lose it.

My shoe squeaked on the tile and they turned to look. I quickly his myself behind the corner, praying that they wouldn't see me.

I looked around the corner again and they were gone. That was a close one.

Blair's POV:

As I was in the middle of my make out session with Justin, we both heard a shoe squeak on the tile. Our heads shot up and looked around.

We saw no one but had a feeling that someone had seen us.

"I need to get to class." I told him.

"No. I'm pretty sure it was just some noise coming down from the other hall."

"It sounded pretty close. Plus, I need to get to class anyways. I will just go get a tardy and make some excuse as to why I was late." I say.

"Fine. Lets go." He says and we walk down to the attendance office together.

Justin and I agree to meet up after school at the back of the school.

Classes bore and finally the bell rings to leave school. I rush out and grab my things. I stop by Sky's locker to tell her that I won't need a ride home.

"Hey Sky, I have some after school tutoring. I'm getting a ride home from Brooklyn." I tell her.

"Okay. Be home soon." She says.

"I will. Thanks." I say, waving goodbye and I walk towards the back of the school.

I find Justin there, leaning up against the building wall.

"Hey hot stuff." He says.

"Hey." I reply, setting my bags down.

"You're not dating that Brooklyn dude anymore, are you?" He asks.


"Good, cause I want you all to myself." He says.

I take a step towards him and I press up against him, pushing him back against the wall. He moans and leans in to kiss me.

The instant sparks fly again, as they did before. I grab his hair and he calls out my name.

His hand lowers down to my ass and he squeezes lightly.

I wrap my arms around his neck and tug at his hair. He leaves one hand on my ass and the other hand squeezing my boob.

"Justin." I moan. I can feel him growing hard beneath me. He begins to suck on my neck, letting out moans.

I hear a rustling noise behind me and I stop kissing Justin. He looks up also, and searches for the cause of the noise.

"Who's there?" I call out. No one is seen but I can sense someone is here. Someone is watching us and that someone is gonna pay.


Thanks guys! I hope you liked it. Who is that mysterious person? Updating a lot faster now! Yay!! Spurs won! Go Spurs Go!

Check out my new book called Extraordinary. Thanks!


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