Chapter 15

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First of all apologise for taking a long amount of time for the update! 🙅🙈

Enjoy this Chapter! I hope you would love this!

And thank you my loves for the 10k reads. I am beyond pleased.. (Bow my head... ) 🙏
I know you would show me more of your love to continue this ahead.... You know what I literally mean.. ;) 🌟⭐💬💭📝

Okay! Happy Reading..


🎶"And if you let me be your man
Then I'll take care of you,
For the rest of my life,
for the rest of yours.."🎶

Zayn Malik - Let Me


Elaine's POV

The moment I said Nigel we would ride this journey as friends, he was like a real friend to me. No seduction at all much to my relief.

I was feeling beyond happy at least he was not making it hard to control the inner temptress of mine which he had been doing the first day of our marriage.... My mind set free and I could take good care of myself and my little bean as well....

Three days almost flew by, and my wound had thankfully been healed by now as it was daily taken care by Nigel with his magical tips of aiding.... And to say he never failed to make me happy as he took me out to see new places here. The weather and people here were so different unlike New York. So it was much easier for me to accustom myself to the atmosphere around us...

He had his work here as well, so most of the time, he was out of the suite which made me stay in... But the sooner he came back, he made it a point to ask my well being and take me out for a lunch or dinner...

One week passed away so damn quickly, Nigel decided to spend the second week here in Florida as he had arranged a meeting with a Canadian client... I didn't raise a word as I knew that would make our mums happy although we didn't really mean this relationship...

One afternoon, I was feeling this weirdness overpower me.. I didn't know why I was feeling alone as if a big part of me was missing and I didn't prefer that feeling though. I strove to think of random things that would get me distracted.. But no.. No way! Still had the same feeling weighing my heart with deep worry... Am I having mood swings?

But no this cannot be a mood swing!

I put these scattered pieces within me in one page and finally the thing opted out of my mind was only Nigel... His image was haunting in my mind like a broken record...

Why am I feeling like this?

I should not be feeling this way!

This is wrong... I am betraying my conscience...

I was doing good the past week..

What now?

It has not been a month yet, and I am thinking of shit like this.. Oh God!!

Oh this is getting worse.. I fanned my own face with both my hands letting out slight wisks of air...

The week I spent with Nigel was more than enough to stir the inner turmoil within me. Cause it seemed, I was kinda getting used to the presence of him around me that had caused this loneliness out of the blue... So, coming back to my senses, I tried to engage myself in some work like watching random tv series and reading books. But that didn't help me at all. I was gluing my eyes only on the first page of the book which had been taken from the bookcase one hour before...

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