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"Want to repeat what you said again?" He raises his eyebrow, as he settles his hand on my waist, making me gulp like a fish.

I leaned back, creating at least some distance until I felt a squeeze on my waist stopping my movement, raising my eyes to his, that happened to already be locked on mines, "speak Sora." His heavenly voice spoke again, putting me in a daze once again.

With a blink, I found my voice, "I want to leave with Alpha Ryder to see my mother." I say more confidently.

/ flashback \

I walked closer to my aunt's room, only to be stopped from hearing cries, "I just know how much my sister went through in, when she was in that pack. And I couldn't even save my niece from that." My aunt sobbed.

"You know you had demons of your own, that you needed to fight before helping anyone else, that's why you're staying here. To support her, like the strong, beautiful woman I first laid eyes on." Rory responded, with a kiss sound following after, "I wish you can stay." She whispers.

"I know." He whispers back, "but you know I have to go and see your sister and check the pack. I'll be back before you know it, were the neighbouring pack, so it won't be long for me to return. Okay?" He reassures her, "okay." She sniffs.

"I just hate that she's getting sick and I can't do anything." Aunt sighs, as my heart clenches at the news, "Mi Sun will get better, I know it." I hear from him, before walking away with one thing set on my mind.

I need to get to my mother.

flashback \

"I will allow you to go." He speaks, after a minute or two of silence, "but... only when you have your Luna Ceremony and meet everyone in the pack. I've assigned Jasmine and Annie to you tomorrow, to assist what you need to do. Then you can go." He continued.

"But my mother is sick," I say sternly, looking away, my eyes beginning to glass over with tears as I want to see her desperately.

My chin was soon lifted gently, raising my eyes once more to his, "I'll arrange something to make you feel satisfied. You will still have to stay." He says gently, which angered me as it felt like he didn't understand a word I said.

I break his hold on me, storming off to my room, ignoring the curious eyes being cast to me as I pass pack members.

"Are you okay Sora?" Annie asks, with Sam on her side, "peachy." I smiled tightly, before finally making it to my room, not before locking it and headed to the bathroom.

I took a long shower and scrubbed off the stress that I now had over the conversation I had between Alexander. I sighed, as I stepped out and went to change into a black vest and shorts.

I then leapt into my bed, with a groan of tiredness, 'maybe mate is doing it for our own benefit as we do actually need to do those task.' My wolf whispers upon the painful silence.

But mother-

'I know, but we ourselves need to gain strength and power as a Luna to show that we're here to stay and reign as a Luna they need.' Aurora argued, in which I hate to admit, but she was right.

What if we're too late to say what I want to say to her, or what I want to hear from her.

'That's understanding and we will soon get answers, but focus on your people first. We still have plenty of people to meet.'

I sighed in result, knowing she's right and I overexaggerated on my reaction with Alex.

I groan, thrashing in my bed in annoyance, "Sora." I hear my aunt knock on the door, I get up and unlocked it and allow her in.

"Yes, Aunt Mee?" I smile at her, as she excitedly jumps in, "Alexander persuaded my mate to transfer your mother in your packs hospital." She looks at me with such excitement, when I couldn't help but form a guilty look.

For goddess sake.

"Excuse me." I smiled over to her, before rushing over to my mate's room and bursting in, "I'm sorry." I grinned, but it went straight into a line when I see Janet in a silk robe and Alex unfazed on his bed with his arm crossed.

"Like I said Janet before I got interrupted, I've got a beautiful mate and I won't cheat on her, with you because that will be beneath me. So if you barge into my room one again like that, I won't hesitate to throw you to the torture room." He growls lowly, as Janet's eyes looked like it was going to pop out of her eyes.

"Sorry." She bows her head, before storming out, not without sending a glare my way.

"What do you think you're doing here?" He asks, as his voice deepens when he gets up and he is in front of me in a flash. Damn, he's fast.

"I'm here to apologise." I sheepishly smile, feeling my cheeks get warmer than intended, "no. Not that. Wait here." He orders, before walking off, leaving me confused.

"You shouldn't be walking around like that when there's a lot of unmated males here." He sighs, as he heads out what seems to be the closet room, with a jumper of his.

He comes closer to me, putting the jumper over my head and soon carefully putting my arms through the sleaves, then steps back and nods in satisfaction of what I'm wearing.

"This is better for now and it's okay." He smiles at me, as he kisses my forehead, melting my insides.

"I'm going to go," I say in a pitchy voice, with embarrassment clear as day while I scurried off to my room.


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