The Beginning

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"Smash. The little girl broke her favourite tea set. Her little tea party will have to end." She said softly. "Oh no, she cries, what on Earth will I do?" She paused, the crowd at her feet whisper their predicaments; Carefully, she shut the tiny book and placed it on her lap, she smiled and chuckled. "I guess we'll find out next time, now off you go; Apologise to your parents on the way out for me. I didn't realise the time." She lied, she liked the company deep down. They each individually reminded her of Lucy and Edmund, two of her siblings, when they were that young. Patiently, she watched the army of refugees storm out the doors as she grabbed her khaki, plaid coat and brown satchel.

The summer breeze brushed past her face as she walked down the battered lane. The thought of lights and sounds of the small country villages always excited her but the reality was not so great. The war had fractured the beauty and atmosphere. Swiftly, she walks to the post office and asks for her letters; she knew her mother wouldn't of had time to check, and Peter, her older brother, was busy volunteering his time fighting for their freedom, like a king should.

"Susan, there you are. I made you some soup and bought some fresh bread from the bakery. I used your rations to buy some meat from the butchers for our dinner." Her mother presented a mouse portion of uncooked beef, she was stressed and panicked. Gracefully, Susan walked into the kitchen and placed a kiss on her mother's cheek and whispered: "It all looks delicious, Thank you mother." They both shared a smile and sat in each others company. After their lunch, Susan trampled up the mahogany staircase and sighed. Exhausted, she perched on the edge of her bed, switched on her music box, and opened the only letter she had received. It was addressed to her in a familiar hand writing.

'Dear Su,
We miss you dearly. In regards to your last letter, Edmund has stopped aggravating Eustace, in fact as if by Narnian magic, they have become civil. I'm glad you're happy in America, tell mother I love her and miss her, so does Ed. When you write to Peter, send our love.
You'll never believe it, but for the last time, we returned to narnia. We saw Aslan, we also came face to face with the opportunity to go to his country as did Caspian. We rejected of course; He misses you, you know. I asked if he had moved on but he said he hadn't met anyone as beautiful as you even after three years. I know you mentioned a new man in your life, but if there was any chance of you going back to Narnia would you take it? I sure would and I know the others would...
Write soon,
P.s Have you found Aslan yet?'

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