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The ominous air raid alarm sounded. Its manacing pitch deepened and the lights flickered. Over and over the ill-omened glair resonated through the station. Her blood pounded in her ears. Her heart thudded in her chest. Her hands shook. Her feet tingled. Her vision disfigured, as if she were looking through a fish-eye lens. She had to get away. But she couldn't, her feet were glued to the ground. Her brain had shut down. She was clammy and there was the glisten of a cold sweat. Her eyes were as wide as if someone was coming to deliver the fatal blow. Yet what Susan saw, no-one else would believe.

Dramatically, Maggie, grabbed Susan's damp hand and dragged her to the white stone wall. "What were you thinking?" She says panicked and afraid.
"I.. I..." Susan sat down, the walls had started crumbling from the months previous, the floor occasionally shook with each bomb that dropped. Like a mother would cradle her child, Maggie sheltered Susan until the deafening alarm had stop. "I had a flashback. Back to when we was in England. Me, Peet, Ed and Lucy. I miss them so much, I miss him so much." She chocked. "If there was anyway I could go back, go back to when Aslan said we had to leave, I would of asked too stay. So I could stay happy forever."
"You're talking all jibblejabble hunny. What's an Aslan and why did he want you to leave? Where did he want you to leave?"
"Narnia. I'll explain some other time, we should go and check on our parents. I'll meet you tomorrow, we'll go to the town then."
"Susan wait.." Like the hope of returning to Narnia, she vanished leaving Maggie alone.

The streets were battered, empty. Cries could be heard from streets away. It was rare for a siren to go off during the day time. But Susan hadn't thought anything of this. In fact, she was oblivious to her surroundings. Red noses and pale cheeks called for her help but it's almost as if Susan was in a world of her own. Running turned into walking. The further away she got from Maggie the calmer she became...

The door was the grey of unvarnished silver, dull and spotted with years of water damage. Where there should have been some fancy matching handle, was only a square shaft of dark cold metal. Susan closed her fingers around it to twist but they simply slipped over the coarse edges and came away blackened. Susan cursed under her breath. All around, there was pieces of rubble and glass; but she was thankful there was still a house to enter. Susan calls for her mother's attention, but there's no reply; She repeats but gets the same blank response. Susan lifts up the wooden door mat and picks up the spare key, she jams the metal into the lions mouth; the door roars open. Susan could hear the faint sound of propaganda filling her room with hatred and lies; she crept into the icy box and draped her bag over the wooden, waving stick. Swiftly, she turned on her heel to close the door, but to her surprise it had already shut. In the corner of her eye, she saw a white letter with a wax stamp on. Cautiously she stepped towards because it was unusual for Susan to receive a letter at the door but even more abnormal because it was stamped with the letter 'C' engraved into it...

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