A Fiery Red Rose

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Gently, Peter placed a fiery red rose onto the desk before Lilliandil. A grin threatened to appear but wistfully she was able to hide it. The walls pulsated to the speed of her excited heart.

Peter knelt in front of her and grapsed her hand and gradually placed gentle kisses up her arm. In return, Lilliandil traced his lips with the tip of her finger. His lip felt slightly chapped under her feather light touch but she simply could not bring herself to care, the urge to kiss them was powerful yet hard to resist. She leaned in closer, centimetres between them. His breathe was minty with a fierce after-burn. But before she tasted them, she asked: "Do you feel the way I feel?"

Frustratingly, he nodded as he clearly urned for her. One by one, he removed the stockings attached to her legs. As the excitement within her grew she shined brighter. Peter admired her beauty for a while before lifting her onto the bed within her chambers.

"I have never met someone so beautiful. Someone so radiant. I could only hope to be loved by someone as perfect as you." His words were honest yet she didn't believe him.

Gradually she starts unclothing him. He returns the favour. The pair knew it wasn't right, however it felt right, which is exactly why Liliandil ended things with Caspian via letter once she endured her moments with Peter.

Caspian was a magnificent rider with a volume of potential between his legs. He understood the desires to ride for miles upon a horse without a saddle was stupid, yet he and his stallion had a bond. After he had fled from his castle (when his Uncle Miraz attempted to murder him) Caspian knew the horse he was riding was special.

The sound of his hooves impressed Caspian - and he no longer understood why it continuously fascinated him. The beast was old yet nobel, which is why Caspian trusted it to lead to the one he loved the most.

The journey was long, and the day turned gradually into the night. Destrier, the well groomed beast, had been on his muscular legs all day. Caspian had sent Reepicheep to collect a search party for Susan; yet no one understood the urgency. Despite Caspian's wishes, Reepicheep also informed the other three Pevensie's of Susan's disappearance and the return of Jadis.

The sun had turned from a vibrant, ball of fire to a dim spark within a matter of hours. The autumn brought forth early evenings, signifying the beginning of long periods of harsh loneliness and numb frostbite. All of which Caspian had felt since Susan left Narnia. It had been a confusing 4 years without Peter, Edmund, Lucy and Susan; and although Caspian was living his righteous life, he felt something was missing.

Lilliandil had been a blanket of safety for Narnia but no one could deny the happiness of a king. As a consequence of falling in love with Susan, Caspian had to convince himself that Lilliandil was equally as perfect and right for the throne as Sue was. He had learned that she was everything he needed for a Queen but not everything he wanted. Susan is what he wanted and she was always on his mind.

The pair, Caspian and Destrian, settled down to a meal of berries and wild squirrel. The fire roasted them from the front, but left their backs frozen from behind - the small fire cooking them gently.

Caspian lay under the starlit sky imagining the worst scenarios. A raindrop fell from his eyes, in which caused him to sit up from the position he was in. Carefully, he removed himself from the group to ensure he wouldn't wake Destrian up.

His emotions stirred within him. To distract himself, Caspian took it upon himself to keep the fire alight. He rummaged around for dead leaves and twigs until he heard a strangers voice, followed by another.

"Beware Caspian"  Whispered three identical trees that were rollicking in the wind. "Susan isn't the one in danger. Beware the youngest Pevensie, she has the biggest courage and the biggest fall."
"Don't trust the oldest for he is playing a game."
"Help the young boy, he is lost and won't find his way home alone."

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