The Blonde Beauty

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Anxiously, Susan played with the hem on her skirt. It had been about an hour since she left her siblings and she was about to be introduced to the dress Lilliandil offered her. Susan's hair was half up, twisted and curled and half down, curled with crystals all the way around.

With hope, she walked into her admirable sized closet. As she was appreciating the detail with delicacy, she heard the noise of paper flapping. To her amazement there was a note attached to the mirror: 'I got it especially for you -C'. As she pulls it off the corner, she noticed the reflection of a beautiful light blue dress with complementary white heels. Internally, she cheered with joy.

"Susan, the dress has arrived."

Excitedly, Mary waltzed into Susan's changing room holding a folded red material and matching red shoes. With quite a rush, Mary unfolded the dress and presented it with a sly look upon her face. Susan's face dropped at the ugliness of the dress. It was blood red, with black and white plaid in between each pleat. "I think it's personally so beautiful, I would wear it if I was allowed" Mary spoke with an eager tone. Susan's ears twitched at the sound and offered: "Please, you should wear it. I would love for you too!" She cheerfully said. "You can accompany me, to the ball." Mary looked concerned at the offer, before shaking her head and insisted Susan wore it as it was a gift. Before she knew it, Susan was wearing the dress. It wasn't pleasing to see or for her figure, and she couldn't stop itching.

"You-Look-Magnificent!" Mary lied. Susan felt uncomfortable as if she was wearing somebody else skin. It took her a moment to pluck up the courage to break Mary's excitement.

Softly, Susan smiled at Mary, who was admiring herself in the mirror. "I would like it if you would undo my dress please, I have another dress I'd like to try on." She said with an itch. Mary turned around in astonishment and answered back; her face went from rounded, soft eyes to daggers waiting to attack."But Susan, you must wear the dress. It's a gift from your future Queen."

Susan was taken back by the rude tone in her voice. "I don't have to wear anything if I don't want too. I was only going to try on this dress, then decide weather I was too keep it on or not." Apologetic, Mary helped Susan out of the cage and into the clouds. She felt like a real queen in the beautiful blue dress. Her brown eyes complimented the colour and so did her figure. A wide grin grew on her face, it was from one ear to the other. Mary admitted she looked splendid but promoted the other dress once more knowing it was a lost battle.


Leisurely, Susan strolled into the regal hall. To her surprise, it had gone from a bland box into a lively cascade of beauty. The candles waved a warming welcome as the aroma of freshly cut roses walked through her air ways and crawled through every inch of her blood stream. The gentle sound of a harp sang a sweet harmony through her apprehensive mind. She edged toward her siblings who were gathered around Aslans Statue.

"Don't you all look great." Susan spoke honestly. Lucy replied "Woah, Su you look beautiful." Susan placed her hand on Lucy's and twirled her around on the spot.

All of a sudden, the gentle tones were interrupted by a loud, thunderous voice. Where thrones used to sit was two grande doors, and entering them (hand in hand) was Caspian and Lilliandil. Her beauty was striking and her glow was as bright as the lust Susan and Caspian shared. Everyone around her gasped before applauding their future Queen. She was wearing a sunburnt orange dress that befitted her golden locks perfectly. Susan felt disheartened and questioned her own beauty. She stood no chance against her, she knew she didn't have to wonder any more why Caspian had moved on so quickly.

Handsomely, he paced with the right amount of facial hair and a crown upon his long brown hair. Caspian's hungry eyes scanned the floor in hope to find Susan. However, he could only see a hundred strangers that were loyal to him.

"She's beautiful." Peter expressed, his eyes popping out of their sockets and hand on his pounding chest. "I told you didn't I. If I was in Narnia long enough, I probably would have stolen her from Caspian," Edmund claimed with a jokey tone in his voice. Lucy opens her mouth to speak but noticed her sisters troubled gaze. Hurting, she asked to be excused but was rejected by a gust of wind, whispering caution. Susan thought she was imaging things, until she realised her siblings had all turned towards Aslan's Statue and had begun panicking. Among all this, everyone around them had become oblivious to their presences. It was almost as if they weren't there at all.

"Did the statue talk?" A confused expression was plastered on Peter's face.
"you heard it too. I thought I was going insane." Edmund replied to his brother.
"Is it really Aslan? I told you the other day, I said I thought I heard his voice when I entered. You told me I was crazy. You never believe me." Lucy yelled in excitement.
"What do you mean, you heard a voice? Why didn't you tell me earlier?" Susan shrieked.
"Well Peter told me not to tell anyone, he said that everyone around us was listening and suspicious of us. When I went to touch his main, because it looked so soft, I got stopped by an old woman. She escorted me to my room and warned me of the curse around it." Lucy seemed curious, she reached out her hand stroked the main of the lion. Sensitively, the lion started turning yellow. Then orange. Then shades of brown and grey started peering through. Uncomfortably, Aslan unfreezes from his position and falls into Edmunds' arms.
"Aslan!" They all chant, before wrapping their arms around him. He faintly smiles before requesting to stand up. "What happened? Why are we here?" Susan freely asked.
"Those are questions I can't answer at the moment. You are going to have to find those out yourselves." Aslan carried his pain upon his cut paws and started walking towards an oblivious Caspian.

With a gust of air, Caspain turned around and noticed the four Pevensies. Although, he could not see Aslan. The lion roared before he ran past the siblings and straight out of the door.

Like a lock and key mechanism, Susan and Caspians eyes meet. A smile beams off Caspians face and a spring in his step. "You look beautiful." he gasped. "You all look incredible. I'm so glad you're here." Momentarily, Caspian breaks eye contact and embraces the other three Pevensies with a tight brotherly grip. "I thought I would never see you again. How long have you been here?" However, before they could answer, a blonde beauty grasps Caspians shoulder and coughs. "Are you not going to introduce me to our guests. I've heard a lot about you," She spoke with an angelic tone. Susan felt emotionally threatened, but didn't reveal it.
"Hey didn't we used to have a Statue here?" Caspian wondered causing the Pevensies to laugh. "What was so funny? Did I miss a joke?"

Hey so sorry for the late upload, I would have updated earlier but I just completely rewrote the chapter. I'm not please with how long this stories taking to get into things but hopefully in the next chapter there will be a lot more Suspian action. I thought I should let you know, last week I did my drama exam and it went pretty good, this week I have a 10 hour art exam and next week I have to prepare for my french speaking exam. So I really need you all to wish me good luck.

Hope you're enjoying On My Mind so far and thank you for getting over 250 reads! It means a lot. ❤️

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