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The thick trees made up the woods, the branches and leaves swaying in the soft breeze of the beautiful Narnia afternoon. However, pure snow had been falling from the sky, littering the trees and ground below, the freezing temperature covering nearly the whole land, all because of the White Witch, Jadis. She is the reason Narnia has spend a long time in the cold winter, why many Narnians had gone missing for quite some time, and why some people who were once kind-hearted had turned evil.

A man and a woman lived in a small cottage deep in the cold forest, with their young daughter, Hilaria. Before the White Witch arrived in Narnia, they had been a happy couple, doing everything together, laughing and loving one another, but times quickly changed upon Jadis's arrival. Hilaria had been born during that time and they thought having a daughter would change them, but it made them worse, turning even more cold and heartless toward their daughter and she didn't really understand why, because she was only five years of age at the time, and a child at that age should never know what pain feels like. As much as Hilaria loved her parents with all her heart, she knew she needed to get as far away from them as possible, even if it took two years to build up the courage to do so.

With her wounded back and puncture to her abdomen, a seven year old Hilaria walked through the snowy wood with bare feet, a dress that looked like rags, her lips had tinted blue because of the temperature. She didn't know where she was going, never venturing out that far into the woods before, but Hilaria knew she needed to get far and as quick as she could before she got caught up with some trouble. Her hands were pressed to her wounded abdomen, applying as much pressure as she could, limping her way past a large tree, a trail of blood leading anyone right toward her as she did so.

Tears had been frozen on her face, her lungs burning because of the cold, a puff of smoke emitting from her with every breath she took, only to have it quickly disappear into the air, her once beautiful blond hair was now dirty and stained with her own blood, her once light brown eyes were now dull and lifeless. Bruises had littered her arms and legs, a small cut on her right cheekbone and a bruise on her left, one in the shape of a hand, she didn't know how long she had been walking, or limping in her case, but she knew that she needed to gain as much distance as she could.

Her left ankle had been hurting for a while and she didn't really know why, but adrenaline kept her going, as if she was on autopilot. A sniffle emitted from her, doing her best to crawl under a fallen tree through a hole that was just about her size, standing on her feet with wobbly knees as she kept walking, a whimper coming past her lips, followed by a small sob that would break anyone's heart. She spotted something up ahead, what looked to be a blossom tree, the wind blowing the petals off, Hilaria watching as they formed into the shape of a woman, who's hands shot to her mouth in fright at the sight of a wounded Hilaria slowly limping toward her.

"Help . . . me" Hilaria whispered "p-please . . . help . . me"

Hilaria collapsed in front of the blossom tree, weak, unable to go any further than what she thought. Her adrenaline had been completely drained, and she welcomed death.


The snow was brushed off the child, a male Narnian looking to the great lion, silently asking of what to do. They had never seen such tragedy, that someone would stoop so low and hurt an innocent child, Aslan had never seen this before, he could still feel life within her soul. But it had been slowly fading, knowing that if he didn't act fast, the child will surely die,

"She is still with us" Aslan informed "but not for long. It is too late to take her back with us in this condition, she will die along the way"

"What are we to do?" The soldier asked

Aslan knew the only thing he could do to ensure that this child shall live to see another day, was to give her part of his soul, to transform the young child into whom she was meant to become. The great lion lowered his head, slowly breathing on her exposed face, transferring part of his soul into the young child, who took in one more small breath, before everything around them stopped. All was still by the time Aslan raised his head slightly, looking at the child for a moment, the wind seemed to stop, the trees no longer swaying, no birds chirping or other animals of the woods making any sound. Almost as if they knew what was happening.

By Aslan giving Hilaria part of his soul, he is not only healing her, but making her more powerful than what she originally was, a being who was created in the beginning of time, but with a good heart. Aslan lowered his head back down and softly nudging her head with his snout, letting out a very low sigh in relief as she took in a deep breath, slowly letting it out, stronger than before, telling him that her body had accepted his soul into her own. At this, the soft breeze came back, brushing more snow from her small body, the trees swaying, birds singing, as if nothing had happened, but all of Narnia knows otherwise.

"She sleeps" Aslan said "it will take some time for her to properly heal," looking to the soldier who was kneeling in front of the child "carry her back, put her in my tent." looking to a female soldier "see to it she is bathed and properly clothed when we return"

"And if questions begin to arise?" She asked Aslan

The male soldier lifted the child in his arms, holding her close, sharing his body heat, watching as she involuntarily curled closer to him, seeking more from him, which caused him to wrap his cloak tighter around the both of them, providing all that she needed.

"The truth is our only answer" he replied as they began to head back "this child will be taken care of by everyone, but will be living with me" protectiveness filling him ". . . She is my cub, now, I will raise her to the best of my ability"

"Who would do something like this?" The male soldier asked, looking at the child, who now sleeps in his arms "harm an innocent child?"

"I know not" Aslan replied "but that no longer matters, it is in her past life and time for her to begin a new"

Nothing else was said during that time, soon arriving at their campsite a few hours later, where the snow hadn't reached them, the male soldier brought the child into Aslan's tent and in his bed as instructed, the woman ordering some workers to bring hot water into their king's tent and clothes for a child, roughly eight years old. Aslan now watches over the child, who had been dressed in a blue dress, blankets over her to keep her warm, her chest rising and falling, wounds healed by the best of his ability, but knowing that only scars will stay behind. He watched as the child's golden hair had slowly turned color, beginning from her roots, from golden blond, to black as night, knowing it would happen for the child is transforming into who she was meant to become.

Her eyebrows furrowed slightly, a small sound emitting from her, looking as if she was having a nightmare,

"Rest now, my child" Aslan said softly, Hilaria calming down almost instantly "all is well, and when you awaken, you will be who you are meant to be." the child looking as if she were listening "may your dreams have peace now that you are safe, no one shall cause harm to you again for as long as I shall live"

Hilaria let out a small breath through her nose, shifting in her sleep, to where she rested on her right side, now facing Aslan completely, curling up in the warmth of the blankets that nearly swaddled her, the great lion smiling softly at the sight, silently vowing to protect her at the best if his ability.


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