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"Marianna!" Hilaria called out "you watch out for your brother, young lady!"

"Yes, mummy!" Their eldest daughter, age six, replied while holding her brother's hand as they walked along the beach

A smile formed on her lips at the sight of her two children, raising her hands to her round belly, softly rubbing it through the fabric of her dress, a soft sigh emitting from her nose as she let the sand run in between her toes while she walked along the beach, the cool waves occasionally covering her feet. She kept a close eye on her twins as they walked in front of her,

"Hello, mother" their eldest son of fifteen greeted with a smile

"Hello, Byron" Hilaria replied with a smile

"I finally beat father in a duel" he said happily, earning a chuckle from her "he says I still need to work on my form, but I think I've got it down"

"You listen to your father, young man" she replied "he knows what he's talking about when it comes to a sword fight" lowering her voice "I beat him too, you know"

"You did?" He asked in amazement

"Well of course I did" she replied with a smile "who do you think taught him how to disarm an opponent without a weapon?" affectionately running a hand through his hair "and don't you forget, we have studies to attend to later on in the day, after you've rested from your training" dropping her hand

"Yes, mother" he replied with a smile

"Run along, now" she said, gesturing toward his siblings

Hilaria watched as he broke out into a run, heading over to his siblings scooping them off their feet, a smile forming on her lips when she heard their joyful screams and giggles, Byron spinning them around before gently placing them back on the floor, chasing after them. Knowing he was going to keep an eye on them for her, she turned toward the horizon, the sun shining brightly and not a single cloud in sight, a perfect Narnia day, the temperature being just right, not too hot. A soft smile slowly formed on her lips when a pair of arms gently wrapped around her, hands softly rubbing her belly,

"How are my girls doing?" Caspian asked softly

She giggled slightly when she felt the familiar small kick within her belly, Caspian's smile growing, his hand flattening against her belly, feeling a few more kicks before the baby finally settled down with the soothing words from her father. Hilaria had always loved when they kicked at their fathers voice, even when he spoke to them late in the night when he couldn't sleep, which was every once in a long while, it simply told her that Caspian will always love his children. During her pregnancies, Caspian was always the first to take care of her, putting Hilaria before himself as he had normally done, making sure she was comfortable with her feet propped up every now and again.

"She's missed you" Hilaria replied teasingly

"And I've missed you both" Caspian said, placing a kiss to her neck "Byron is showing promise in his sword fighting"

"You let him win, didn't you?" She asked, turning her head slightly

"I wanted to boost his confidence a bit" he replied honestly, earning a small chuckle from her

"The twins have been excellent in their studies" she informed "even if they're so young, they want to learn all that they can when it comes to magic"

"They'll be excellent in magic" he said "just like their mother" placing a soft kiss on her cheek

Hilaria let out a small hum, softly rubbing her belly, letting Caspian lace their hands together as he held her, placing his chin on his shoulder, the two of them just watching the horizon, while listening to the innocent laughs of their children, absolutely loving their life. Byron had grown too fast for Caspian and Hilaria, then they had given birth to beautiful twins- a healthy baby girl and boy- now she was pregnant with their fourth child, things couldn't get any better in her opinion. A smile was on her lips as Caspian whispered sweet things to her, loving whenever he gently rubbed her belly, also knowing he was going to be protective of the little one as soon as she's born, just as he's protective of Marianna.

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