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"Father" Hilaria said softly into the night sky "why must you be away? . . . I miss you"

Her chest filled with warmth, causing her to close her eyes, grasping her pendant in her hand, letting out a very slow breath through her nose. It's been too long for her since she's seen Aslan, and she was missing him dearly, Caspian began to notice a few days ago, and he had wanted to do something for his love, but he didn't particularly know how, only having happy moments with her until now. Hilaria would always have a smile on her lips when she was with Caspian, but the young king saw that the smile didn't reach her eyes, finding her looking up at the sky when she thought she was alone.

Deep down, Hilaria knew that Aslan was always with her, she felt a connection with her pendant, not just because she holds half of his soul, but it told her that he would always be there. A knock emitted from her door, causing her gaze to leave the window, walking over to it while grabbing her robe from her chair, putting it on and tying it, opening the door a small crack,

"I didn't wake you did I?" Caspian asked softly

". . No" she replied honestly ". . . I can't sleep"

"Get dressed and meet me by the stables" he whispered "I have something to show you"

Without letting her respond, Caspian walked off. Hilaria slowly closing her door in slight confusion, but doing as said, getting dressed in an ice blue and white dress, clasping her bow and quiver of arrows around her waist, bag around her shoulders, making sure she had everything before silently making her way out of her chambers, clasping her cloak around her neck. Her feet softly padded against the flooring as she made her way down the hall of the castle, occasionally hiding behind a wall from the guards who were patrolling, Hilaria silently making her way to the stables. Caspian had been getting Destier saddled and ready,

"Caspian, what's going on?" Hilaria whispered

"Just trust me" he replied with a small smile

He held out a hand, helping Hilaria on the back of Destier, climbing on the front quickly after, instructing her to wrap her arms around his waist, which caused her to do as said, allowing the young king to ride off into the night. Caspian had something planned, hopefully to brighten her mood, and had been working on it for a few days, he knew she was very confused, wondering where they were going. As Destier galloped through the woods, Hilaria looked around as much as she could, her hair flowing behind her, occasionally touching the top of her head just to make sure her crown was still on. He hadn't said anything as they rode through the woods, Destier would occasionally jump over a fallen tree, everything looking different at night than it did during the day.

Caspian grips the reins tightly in his hands, wanting to be at his destination at the perfect moment, and he knew just when it was. After a few more moments of riding, the young king finally came to a stop, looking around, seeing that everything was in the same place he had once left it, which caused him to nod to himself, dismounting Destier and helping Hilaria down,

"What is the meaning of this?" Hilaria asked, looking at Caspian "why are we here?"

He let out a small sigh, looking at his love in the eye, a soft smile forming on his lips as he reached up and gently tucked a lock of her ombre hair behind her ear, cupping her cheek in his hand,

". . When you smile, it no longer reaches your eyes" he informed softly "you have missed your father, and I understand that. I just want you to know, that I will always be there for you when you need me, please don't be afraid to talk to me when you need to" letting his hand fall to his side "I brought you here because I know you need it, you may not believe so, but I do. Come"

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